Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Strecher pic 2

Stretcher pic 2

This is so comfy I can wear it for hours

(47.1 KB, 864 views)

Last edited by Handyman : 03-13-2002 at .

Pretty cool.

This contraption looks pretty good Handy. I think i will go get some materials and make one over the weekend.(It’ll probably be easily hidden under clothes - at least easier than weights thats for sure!)

Thanks for doing the difficult bit (the design).

See Ya,


Thanks BigJ
I seem to Get a better stretch from this then hanging plus I can use it for a much longer time then 20 mins. I’m still in the design stage so stay tune to this station. Hay Mr Thunder maybe a new forum for this “Stretching”

Happy Stretching to all

Last edited by Handyman : 03-13-2002 at .

Answer to BillyBob2

"Does it work? Where can I get one?" sent by email

Does it work?
Iv’e been doing it about a week now It seems to I Think I got 1/4" but I think that came from what I lost after having to stop jelking because of injury not the penis the shoulder jelking can be really hard on old joint. You may want to ask someone who has been doing it for a longer time like willie900 or zekeman2000 see thread New Stretcher Contraption

Where can I get one?
Well BB Iv’e been thinking about this one.
1. you can buy one at is for sale | HugeDomains for about $300 to $500

2. you can make your on

3. I’m curently out of work and maybe once I get the design the way I like it well you never know

Happy Stretching to all

Last edited by Handyman : 03-13-2002 at .

Hot diggity dog!!!

1/4” in a week!!!

I think i’ll need to get to the hardware store sooner than i thought - yowsa!

See Ya,


Please keep us posted on your progress. Looks great. How long are you using it for? Doesn’t it still cut off circulation to your penis?


Its been about a week. The first couple of time the head went numb, didn’t even know it, the dam thing is so comfy had to have it on for 45 mins but after that I check it all the time. I think the veins got use to it maybe stretched LOL, the head gets a little cold but I can where it for 1 to 2 hours ajusting it up and down fast with the turnbuckle.
From reseach you need to wear it for 2 to 3 hours a day if u go to the site above and read all the info on it some of these guys wear it 8 hours a day but the gains are there. gona go put it on now

Happy Stretching all

Last edited by Handyman : 03-13-2002 at .

Nice design, handyman. What is that copper colored clamp called? ie: where do look for it in the hardware store - plumbing? electrical?

Hi Grower

Thanks. got it at Home depot the attachment is made from 1 1/4 pipe hangers copper plated plumbing(inside dimension there are different sizes 1 1/2, 2 I use em all for different things), rubber hose fitings cut to fit inside the hangers, the hook end from the turnbuckle cut to size and nuts. The base is nothing fancy its a little tough on the p-bone and all around I like what willie900 did. I may make something like it real soon.

I rap a tshirt strip around me attach and stretch stretch stretch.

Happy Stretching


hey guy thats hellava idea there.. thanks for the pic of it.. it will work.. thanks again mark


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