Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Crikey! You’re right T! That is all I need, a new head to attach to my neck! Thanks! :star:

Actually I might just do that, but I could on the other hand, keep the order in place and eventually I would be in an excellent position to open a National Museum dedicated to PE, with premises, subsidies, grants and everything all provided by the EU :nodding: . I expect it would come under :-k urban regeneration of a depressed area, or preferably a rural development initiative.

All my own exhibits too, I wouldn’t have to borrow a single thing from anywhere else! :idiot:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Just to let you guys know I’m just going to match all order coming in for next two week. I don’t have any tracking software and its too much of hassle - thats why I asked for thunders in a message colume.

By the way, Thunders never asked me to make this type of deal. Just like you I’m doing it for his valuable service and I’m sure he is funding this out of his own pocket.

If you order something wrong, just let me know - I’m not a big corporate guy, I will work with you - including refund. Noticed I don’t reply anything back during the day? - I’m at work.

As for the usage - you want to point this downward. This is the way to stretch all of the relevant ligaments. But sometimes, its feels good to point it up.

As far as I know, there is no way to keep the rod in certain place with Penis Master/JES. Its basically up or down position, unless you hold it with your hand. With autoext, you could set it in any position you want (one end of the threaded rod is slightly pointed so you could screw it in to make it tight against the base and lock it).

By the way, I’m only going have this deal for couple of weeks more. I’d just realize that with all the time/material/outside help - I’m below break even point. I wish I could be one of those big guys who could bang thing out for a nickle, but I’m not even close.


>>> By the way, I’m only going have this deal for couple of weeks more.<<<

What deal are you referring to?



Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Okay cool, I’m just hoping he doesn’t mean he’s ending production of the whole product. (I don’t have a PM, so I would order the whole deal.)

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Thanks indeed,
The only PE I’m doing is the beginner PE, I trying to find intermediate PE. My routine switch seems to work is

3-5 mins warm up
10-15 mins dry jelq
3-5 mins warm down.

Since I wear the andro during the day, I don’t do the stretches. I usually take an hour break wearing the andro so that I can put it back on about 30 mins before my PE. My girl went down on me last night and had this look like it got a one thicker and notice my head was a little bigger. I didn’t answer her question. ("Huh, it looks bigger.what happened”)

I’m trying the v stretches, but they seem like they don’t work. I only do 2-10 second holds up and 2 -10 second holds down and then I proceed to the jelq.

Any suggestions?

Thanks guys!!



1. As far as I can tell from the site, this stretcher is not springloaded, but screws out to a given length?

2. Yes, please show us your early attempts at using hardware stuff for the head.


Originally Posted by rousseau506
Crikey! You’re right T! That is all I need, a new head to attach to my neck! Thanks! :star:

Actually I might just do that, but I could on the other hand, keep the order in place and eventually I would be in an excellent position to open a National Museum dedicated to PE, with premises, subsidies, grants and everything all provided by the EU :nodding: . I expect it would come under :-k urban regeneration of a depressed area, or preferably a rural development initiative.

All my own exhibits too, I wouldn’t have to borrow a single thing from anywhere else! :idiot:

So that’s why you are keeping the drain rods!

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:


Good to hear the rods on your device can be locked in any postition. Thanks for letting us know about the “downward” stretch angle too. When I get one (AutoExt) I’ll know the better way to stretch out. I have a low LOT…pityful, so some SO and SU stretching would also be in order too I think.

As long as she’s noticing then that says it all. Sounds like you’re on the right track!

Originally Posted by wanabaznron
My girl went down on me last night and had this look like it got a one thicker and notice my head was a little bigger. I didn’t answer her question. "Huh, it looks bigger.what happened"


That sort of thing is why I’m here. This girl I’ve been seeing off and on since July the last time we had sex said "It feels thicker - you might be too big."
She was joking, but if she only knew… It is thicker. And I have the tape measure to prove it.

Originally Posted by wanabaznron
3-5 mins warm up
10-15 mins dry jelq
3-5 mins warm down.

I would think this is fine to start with. I would suggest using a light lubricant either jojoba oil or olive oil. It’s just my preference, but I think you can squeeze the ‘inner penis’ (to borrow a phrase from CaptnHook) better without irrating the surface of the skin. That way the spongey tissue inside can be dealt with more directly. Just my theory.

I also think that by the look of it the Auto/Ext is a superior design to the PenisMaster - although I haven’t used an Auto/Ext, so I don’t know. I like the PenisMaster, but if I had known I would have ordered the Auto/Ext. I’ve already ordered the retro fit clamping head from monkeybar’s site, via the Thunder’s link.

I wonder when it will arrive.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Thanks happy,

I will look into lubes. I’ve gotten some irritation on the peepee after PEing. I’ll swing by the vitamin shop and pick some up. Hell, kY would be fine too. I’m looking to try anal w/ the old lady.


Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
I’ve also read that some feel that it mainly targets tunica no matter which way you point it.

That’s my impression of those traction devices as well, since the bottom of the device is braced against your pubis (thereby taking ligs pretty much out of the equation) in order to effect the tractile forces.

That’s certainly not a bad thing by any means. It’s generally the consensus here that ligs are a lot easier to “grow” than tunica. And I’ve long maintained that to be a “big gainer” you’ll need significant tunica growth. I’ve never believed that a great deal of length could be gained from lig stretching - unless you end up taking your penile exit point down around your asshole.

I’d really appreciate hearing from more current PM owners/users as to what you think about the PM vs. Monkeybar’s new Auto Extender. I know that you can’t compare them, as you only have the PM. But what do you think, given your experience with the PM and what you are seeing and hearing about the Auto Extender?

For example, would many of you agree with Supersizeit that the rubber head attachment device on the PM is crude and uncomfortable, and that the Auto Extender head attachment (the “MBA,” as Supersizeit calls it) looks superior?

Monkeybar recommends taking a break with the Auto Extender every so often. But I thought the PM was designed to wear for hours at a time, without a break. Monkeybar, what do you think about this?

I was just doing a search for more info on the PM and was close to ordering one, when I came across two threads on the Auto Extender. Obviously, I want to choose the better produce. Comments please.

I have had a PM since they first made them.Total use about 4hours,due to pinching and pain from the strap.

Just ordered the MBA atachment ,looks like I may be able to use my PM after all.

Originally Posted by motivated
For example, would many of you agree with Supersizeit that the rubber head attachment device on the PM is crude and uncomfortable, and that the Auto Extender head attachment (the "MBA," as Supersizeit calls it) looks superior?

Monkeybar recommends taking a break with the Auto Extender every so often. But I thought the PM was designed to wear for hours at a time, without a break. Monkeybar, what do you think about this?

I was just doing a search for more info on the PM and was close to ordering one, when I came across two threads on the Auto Extender. Obviously, I want to choose the better produce. Comments please.

Well, if I had it to do over again I would buy the Auto Extender .

For a few reasons: monkeybar seems genuine in his desire to make a good device and seems willing to stand by it; and he’s one of ours - so his instructions on his web-site are responsible and don’t promise the world like others do. It’s a sensible and healthy approach to PE espoused on his site. And, not least, it is good to support a comrade in arms who is trying to do good work.

That said, the strap on the PenisMaster is not as uncomfortable for me now as it was, largely because I’ve been experimenting with different kinds of wrapping and have found something that is working for me - with a few key recommendations from Supersizeit. I can’t imagine the ‘noose’ type devices being comfortable without a significant wrapping approach. Talk about choking the chicken….

I don’t see how any of these traction devices can be used with out a break after an hour or hour and a half. For me after an hour I need a break of 10-15 minutes. I’ve got a wrapping technique down that keeps the head from turning odd colors, so now at the end of the hour it’s still a color that resembles human flesh tone, and it isn’t numb or anything, but it does get a little bit ‘chilled’. Better than numb and cold, but still, there is the need to wake him up and get some blood flowing. I do that by jelqing - so I get a lot of jelqing in as a result. My initial gains after using this for about a month have been more in girth oddly enough, but I got overzealous with the force of stretching that I was attempting so the ligs recoiled a bit. Now that I’ve dialed it back it seems to be better and I recovered my slight loss.

I eagerly await the Auto Extender attachment that I ordered. I hope that will enable me to go for a bit longer and be more comfortable. We’ll see.

I don’t see how you could wear any of these devices indefinitely, though. The fact that monkeybar let’s you know this upfront just means to me that his is a much more informed and responsible approach to the use of such a device - and PE in general.

Big gains are something that you must expect in a longer-term frame of time. You’re dealing with living tissue after all and making it adjust positively to artificial stress. It only stands to reason that if you try to rush this process the body will rebel, but if you take the ‘slow and steady wins the race’ approach and do not get ahead of your body’s natural ability to adapt you will see good results. I have already seen results with the manual approach in the last couple of years, so now I’m trying to get over a plateau and go further. So far girth has been a little more forthcoming. Go figure.

I have noticed that my overall girth has evened out from below the glans to the base after wearing this device and I had a minor curve, as a result of an injury a while back (brought on by aggressive sex, not PE), and this has been slowly improving as well. So I think the outlook for this approach is good. Others agree. So there’s my two cents (well, looking back it’s more like a buck fifty, but hey, I’m generous that way).

Good luck.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 03-18-2005 at .

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