Successfully hiding Phallosan in public at over 7 inches?
I know this is probably a good problem to have, but.
Does anyone have an tips or successful techniques for hiding the Phallosan forte in public at over 7 inch in length?
I am about 7.5” at the moment and if I extend up towards my belt there is a big strangely located bulge that raises questions. Seems like the vac cap and then the little pump really stick out quite a lot since it is basically sticking out beyond the width of my thigh/hip. The only position I have had that even moderately works is putting a strap around my thigh at about the height of the bottom of my pant crotch and stretching around the thigh. This ONLY works if I care a bunch of random useless BS in the pocket on that side to camouflage the outlines. Also this results in a very different pull strength stranding versus sitting (which is probably safer when walking around anyway).
Just curious if anyone else had any thoughts/ideas/etc.