Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sugarfree's trial with an extender


How did you gain your girth?

Girth came with the extender. No length mind you.

Starting Stats: 5 3/4 bpel, 4 7/8 eg. Current Stats: 6 3/4 bpel, 5 1/2 eg. Goal: 9 x 6

Originally Posted by sugarfree
Girth came with the extender. No length mind you.

Sugarfree, I don’t understand are you saying you didn’t gain length from an extender? Previously you said,

“Update on BPSFL… Now 7 1/4 inches.”

“I am wearing my extender virtually all the time I am not at work now. Not with a lot of tension, but I try to do an hour each day at max and use heat. Not measured girth but the wife has commented on it so think it is still gaining. Life is good at the mo! “

Latest update…still no length gains in erect state. Girth steady. Motivation zero. On the upside I can wear the extender for hours at a time without any problems. I now believe I have increased the stretch-ability of my dick but have not actually gained any length proper.

Starting Stats: 5 3/4 bpel, 4 7/8 eg. Current Stats: 6 3/4 bpel, 5 1/2 eg. Goal: 9 x 6


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