Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The absolute art of extending

The absolute art of extending

The absolute art of extending

Many of you have read my posts about starting extending and having length gains in the beginning (260H) but afterwords(1100H more) zero gains and also loss of some gains.
Many of you have related with my story because it happened to you too.
In my case but also in the responders cases the reason of no gains and a loss of size was pure OVER TRAINING.( They all admitted it).

The same questions are popping in forums about extending:
How many hours should I do per day?
At how many grams should I be extending?
Should I be using rest days?

The answers to these questions are so subjective (because every dick is responding different)that any advice could easily be wrong.

I have finally found the exact way-method for a spring extender user to know exactly how many hours per day he should extend in order for the method to be productive without ups and downs.

First of all the intensity of extending should be low. Extending is a method of LOW INT-HIGH VOL.
400-900 REAL GRAMS(measured with a kitchen scale…because manufacturers are putting fake numbers) is the ideal amount of tension and it s a personal choice for each user and the grams should be dictated upon COMFORT. So this should go by feeling.
An average tension recommendation is 600grams.

Lets say we are doing 60 mins sessions . ( its the safe vol of every session in order to not having blood flow problems by straps and no blisters problems by vac).
Every time we put the extender on… we are obligated to watch the tension of the springs every 5 mins and when the dick is relaxing and giving more length… the tension goes down and we are unscrewing the screws in order to have again the desired tension.
Now after the 1h session when we are taking off the extender all we have to do it MEASURE THE LENGTH OF THE UNSCREWED SCREWS.(1 of them).
Lets say it went 9mm.
Now… I advice to take a 30 mins break before starting the new 1h session.
When we are going for the 2nd hour we are again unscrewing to keep the desired tension and in the end we measure again the length of the unscrewed screw…
Lets say that now we have a measurement of 11mm. This means +2mm from our previous session.
We do the same for the 3d hour session…
There will be a point… that when we finish a session the length will be SAME or a little LESS than the previous one…

By this method… we are not going into UNDER TRAINING and we are not going for OVER TRAINING ! We are in the exact PRODUCTIVE VOLUME.

Extending more hours than the tunica can handle is resulting in a loss of MFSL followed by a loss of EL and all the bad Pis are following.

As the weeks goes by… you will be gaining more and more MFSL by this method because you will not be under trained or over trained and this will result in a genuine EL gain.

Every dick is different… for example for me 3-4h is my gaining spot.
An other person maybe he finds out (by my method)that 6h is his(by measuring the extender screws with the way I described.

Now as far as rest days… this is also subjective.
For example in my case 3 days in a row are productive(good mfsl) but if I ll extend 4days in a row… I am starting losing mfsl… so my max extending frequency is 3on/1off.
You can find yours by my method.

Well….. Happy productive extending!

OK, I’ll bite…

What’s the basis for this approach?
What evidence is there to suggest that extending in this manner is best? …at this force, duration, interval, and to sign to stop?

I’m not disagreeing, but I’m skeptical of claims about “the right way” to do anything without a solid explanation as to WHY the proposed method is correct.

I am converting this thread into an extending Log in order to see if my ART OF EXTENDING works.
The extender tension will always be at 500-600grams because only this tension is giving me gains. ( anything more than that is making my gains come into a halt… been there done that for more than a year).
The extending volume will never pass the 4h/day total (anything more than that it takes me backwards) and the extending sets will be 60 mins at some point( I am conditioning now once again)… maybe a little more.
The frequency will be 3on/1off and some times 2on/1off depending on my Pis and the meaurements of the screw(MFSL).

13/6/20 DAY 1
(Set1) 40mins/screw 8mm
(Set2) 40mins/screw 10mm
(Set3) 40mins/screw 10mm
Jelq 20 reps

14/6/20 DAY 2
(Set1) 40mins/screw 10mm
(Set2) 40mins/screw 11mm

15/6/20 DAY 3
(Set1) 40mins/screw 9mm
(Set2) 40mins/screw 10mm
Jelq 30 reps

16/6/20 DAY 4

MFSL +2-3mm
EL +2mm ( Old lost length gain that came back to life)

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
The absolute art of extending

Many of you have read my posts about starting extending and having length gains in the beginning (260H) but afterwords(1100H more) zero gains and also loss of some gains.
Many of you have related with my story because it happened to you too.
In my case but also in the responders cases the reason of no gains and a loss of size was pure OVER TRAINING.( They all admitted it).

The same questions are popping in forums about extending:
How many hours should I do per day?
At how many grams should I be extending?
Should I be using rest days?

The answers to these questions are so subjective (because every dick is responding different)that any advice could easily be wrong.

I have finally found the exact way-method for a spring extender user to know exactly how many hours per day he should extend in order for the method to be productive without ups and downs.

First of all the intensity of extending should be low. Extending is a method of LOW INT-HIGH VOL.
400-900 REAL GRAMS(measured with a kitchen scale…because manufacturers are putting fake numbers) is the ideal amount of tension and it s a personal choice for each user and the grams should be dictated upon COMFORT. So this should go by feeling.
An average tension recommendation is 600grams.

Lets say we are doing 60 mins sessions . ( its the safe vol of every session in order to not having blood flow problems by straps and no blisters problems by vac).
Every time we put the extender on… we are obligated to watch the tension of the springs every 5 mins and when the dick is relaxing and giving more length… the tension goes down and we are unscrewing the screws in order to have again the desired tension.
Now after the 1h session when we are taking off the extender all we have to do it MEASURE THE LENGTH OF THE UNSCREWED SCREWS.(1 of them).
Lets say it went 9mm.
Now… I advice to take a 30 mins break before starting the new 1h session.
When we are going for the 2nd hour we are again unscrewing to keep the desired tension and in the end we measure again the length of the unscrewed screw…
Lets say that now we have a measurement of 11mm. This means +2mm from our previous session.
We do the same for the 3d hour session…
There will be a point… that when we finish a session the length will be SAME or a little LESS than the previous one…

By this method… we are not going into UNDER TRAINING and we are not going for OVER TRAINING ! We are in the exact PRODUCTIVE VOLUME.

Extending more hours than the tunica can handle is resulting in a loss of MFSL followed by a loss of EL and all the bad Pis are following.

As the weeks goes by… you will be gaining more and more MFSL by this method because you will not be under trained or over trained and this will result in a genuine EL gain.

Every dick is different… for example for me 3-4h is my gaining spot.
An other person maybe he finds out (by my method)that 6h is his(by measuring the extender screws with the way I described.

Now as far as rest days… this is also subjective.
For example in my case 3 days in a row are productive(good mfsl) but if I ll extend 4days in a row… I am starting losing mfsl… so my max extending frequency is 3on/1off.
You can find yours by my method.

Well….. Happy productive extending!

I am following the andropenis program and I wear the extender nine hours a day. After 350 hours I reached 0.3cm. I increase the tension by 0.5 every 7 days. My routine is 9h every day and 6h on the weekend. For the moment no overtraining hard erections and I have improved the duration in bed (I decide when to come) so I did not come to overtraining. I have a tension of 17cm now that is my erect length without pressing

[Goal]🐃: 20NBPEL,16MSEG

2021-22: 18NBP/14MSEG

Originally Posted by AlessioRossi
I am following the andropenis program and I wear the extender nine hours a day. After 350 hours I reached 0.3cm. I increase the tension by 0.5 every 7 days. My routine is 9h every day and 6h on the weekend. For the moment no overtraining hard erections and I have improved the duration in bed (I decide when to come) so I did not come to overtraining. I have a tension of 17cm now that is my erect length without pressing

Very good.
As long as your Pis are great and you keep gaining continue what you are doing.

Just took a look at my old extending Log in my PC.

In 260h I had gained 5mm EL by doing 4h/day , 5days/week on average at 500-600grams tension.

In this old log I was not logging MFSL measurements.

Gentlemen. Thank you for sharing info on extender programs that work for you. What extenders are you men using? I’ve been stuck for about a year in length and I’m researching on how to break the plateau that I’ve arrived at.


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