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Using Penimaster Pro

Using Penimaster Pro

Another question on Penimaster Pro or perhaps any other vacuum based extenders. Do you take off the head piece entirely or just the spring-loaded extender when it gets too painful?

I’m asking as it will be easier to let the head piece remain attached until the pain subsides before using the extender again. What is your method?

Take the head dome off, massage the head and your unit then put it back on.This is to get the blood flowing back again.Massage you whole shaft then reattach it.You should never have pain at any time.Are u using the right sluice and dyafram?Blue ,yellow or green?

2014, 6 1/4 bpel by 5 3/4 eg

2017,7 3/8 bpel by 6 1/4 eg

I’m using blue coloured sluice and blue diaphragm. Thing are comfortable at beginning, then it gets trick as the latex parts gets worn out, ie: slippage problem.

Originally Posted by Farhan8831
I’m using blue coloured sluice and blue diaphragm. Thing are comfortable at beginning, then it gets trick as the latex parts gets worn out, ie: slippage problem.

Unless you are very big the blur parts are wrong size. I made that mistake and got slippage. As soon as I switched to yellow it was like a dream.

Start 7.28

Goal 9.2 nbp


2014, 6 1/4 bpel by 5 3/4 eg

2017,7 3/8 bpel by 6 1/4 eg

True enough, I tried yellow/white colour sluize, it worked perfectly.

How did you determine what rods to use? Iv looked for videos and read the manual multiple times. It just doesn’t add up. The manual says I should add 1.5cm yo my length. My BPFSL is 6.25 inches, so plus 1.5cm would com out to 17cm. The manual says I should use an 8cm +6cm +2cm and 2 of the real small ones. When I attach all of these, there is no way in hell even at lowest tension that I’ll be able to get hooked in. What am I missing?

Iv been wearing it for 4 weeks now, but I just put rods together that felt right. I want to make sure I’m not using to much or to little force.

Originally Posted by moose1980
How did you determine what rods to use? Iv looked for videos and read the manual multiple times. It just doesn’t add up. The manual says I should add 1.5cm yo my length. My BPFSL is 6.25 inches, so plus 1.5cm would com out to 17cm. The manual says I should use an 8cm +6cm +2cm and 2 of the real small ones. When I attach all of these, there is no way in hell even at lowest tension that I’ll be able to get hooked in. What am I missing?

Iv been wearing it for 4 weeks now, but I just put rods together that felt right. I want to make sure I’m not using to much or to little force.

Im using 2x8cm rods and one of the smallest ones for a 22.5cm bpfsl so I think you use too many rods just put a ruler to it and you will see how long it should be, ideally it should equal your bpfsl.

Start 7.28

Goal 9.2 nbp

Also if slippage occurs also you will have to remove the vac headpiece and re-apply, I find this tends to happen at high tension at low tension is normally fine and can wear for hours on end

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Also if slippage occurs also you will have to remove the vac headpiece and re-apply, I find this tends to happen at high tension at low tension is normally fine and can wear for hours on end

Getting more comfortable with this device, just that I find taking it off every 90 minutes is a nuisance. How do you manage to stay in it for hours?

Originally Posted by Farhan8831
Also if slippage occurs also you will have to remove the vac headpiece and re-apply, I find this tends to happen at high tension at low tension is normally fine and can wear for hours on end

Getting more comfortable with this device, just that I find taking it off every 90 minutes is a nuisance. How do you manage to stay in it for hours?

Heh there

To be honest at high tension is not a device I would recommend or could bear to wear for hours on end. 90mins sounds optimum if only as a safety measure to check for blood flow. Cold glans etc.


21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Originally Posted by cheeba
Heh there

To be honest at high tension is not a device I would recommend or could bear to wear for hours on end. 90mins sounds optimum if only as a safety measure to check for blood flow. Cold glans etc.



Sorry for asking too much, but how often do you measure, or how often you add a new bar or length?

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