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Vacextender and stretch

Vacextender and stretch

I have a question with regards to extenders.

First I am not a newbie and I am conditioned. I have been wearing Monkeybar’s Vacextender 2 for about 20 hours and I noticed that my stretched position that I wear is roughly just short of my flacid stretch limit. I can definitely increase the stretch to equal that of my flaccid stretch but anything beyond that is uncomfortable. I also want to add that my flaccid stretch is roughly equal that of my erect stretch measurement.

So the questions that I have are:

1. How much stretch should I strive for? Meaning should I go for slightly beyond my flaccid stretch to gain the most benefit?
2. Does wearing an extender up or down matter? I read in some threads that wearing down helps with ligament stretch while wearing up tends to be hit the tunica only.
3. How much rest should I incorporate in my routine? I am shooting for 7 days of wearing the extender, roughly 5 to 7 hours, more or less each day.

One other thing to note is that I am currently re-doing the newbie routine to compliment my extender wear. I do 2 on and 1 off as well as stretching on those days.

Thanks in advance for your comments and advice!

Go Celtics!

1) I think equal to flaccid stretch or greater tension would be best.
2) That would depend on what you’re targeting.. ligament or tunica stretch
3) Don’t worry about rest. If we’re talking connective tissues stretching, rest is wrong. Time not under tension is counterproductive. Don’t apply this to other kinds of routines though.

A lot of guys who use ADSs beneficially are also doing some kind of heavy-weight PE.. like hanging. The ADS would be used more to KEEP the penis extended after an intensive PE routine rather than as a PE routine all on its own.

The use of the ADS is great, but to really see gains you should probably be hanging or doing some kind of intense manual stretching routine to deform the connective tissues then keep them that way with the extender.

Yay newbie routine. I’m not bashing it, but I don’t know if the newbie routine would be the best compliment to your routine. Jelqing is great but you’d be much better off targeting those same tissues you’re keeping extended using the vacextender with some intense ligament or tunica stretching. (psst.. hanging)

Wantsmores, hanging, bundle stretches, and piss pulls come to mind.

If you’re gaining from it though, keep it up. I know I couldn’t see a gain from less than 20 lbs hanging off my kak 2 hours a day.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Originally Posted by point1
I also want to add that my flaccid stretch is roughly equal that of my erect stretch measurement.

How do you get an erect stretch measurement?

Originally Posted by point1

1. How much stretch should I strive for? Meaning should I go for slightly beyond my flaccid stretch to gain the most benefit?

No. Extenders works on the “remodeling” idea : with a light but prolonged tension, your penis start accomodating to a longer measure, growing a small amount time after time. Your flaccid stretch lenght is the maximum your penis can elongate: so you can’t go above that, by definition.

If you extend at your flaccid stretch lenght, likely you will not be able wearing the stretcher for 5-7 hours.

So, you have to wear the device at slightly less than your flaccid stretch lenght, for the maximum number of hours you can daily.

Originally Posted by point1

2. Does wearing an extender up or down matter? I read in some threads that wearing down helps with ligament stretch while wearing up tends to be hit the tunica only.

This hypothesis has never been confirmed adequately, so I’d say doesn’t matter if you wear it up or down.

Originally Posted by point1

3. How much rest should I incorporate in my routine? I am shooting for 7 days of wearing the extender, roughly 5 to 7 hours, more or less each day.

There is nothing wrong in wearing an extender 7 days/week, altough it’s not mandatory.

Originally Posted by point1

One other thing to note is that I am currently re-doing the newbie routine to compliment my extender wear. I do 2 on and 1 off as well as stretching on those days.

Nothing wrong here, also. Check your PI’s however.

Sorry I meant to say my erect length…

Go Celtics!

Nothing to be sorry :) .

I have a couple of qestions on the vacext2,
*Does it matter how big your glands is for the thing? Mine isn’t all that big when I’m flaccid

* I have pelvic fat, about an inch or so, would that keep this thing from working? Like when I sit, too?

* Is this thing spring loaded or is it the screw type?

I appreciate yor answers.

I would get the static heavy it has springs from 1.5 to 10.5 lbs so you can use the weighted springs in the place of hang weight. The vac2 doesn’t come with weighted springs.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

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