Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What extender should I choose?

Mad dog: Have you used the PM or Jes extender?


I’d advise to stay away from all noose extenders. PM works great with ace self adhesive wrap, although if I didn’t buy the PM before the AutoExt was out I would of bought it first as I was looking at their site first, but it was up for redesign. Btw I have no problems with my device- I am cut.

Originally Posted by latency

Mad dog: Have you used the PM or Jes extender?

I’m using the PeniMaster. But I suppose there’s no much difference between such a devices as they’re based on the same principle.

Starting Stats (February, 2006): 6” NBPEL, 5” EG Mid-Shaft; Current: 6 ⅝” NBPEL, 5 ½” EG Mid-Shaft; Goal: 8x6” NBP.

Originally Posted by Long Grass

PM works great with ace self adhesive wrap

Could you please be more precise?

Originally Posted by Long Grass

Btw I have no problems with my device- I am cut.

What is the connection? I’m uncut and my guess is that cut guys should have less problems wearing it than I do. Anyway, VacExtenter and a replacement head for the other devices will be released soon, and I believe it will resolve all the comfort-related troubles.

Starting Stats (February, 2006): 6” NBPEL, 5” EG Mid-Shaft; Current: 6 ⅝” NBPEL, 5 ½” EG Mid-Shaft; Goal: 8x6” NBP.

Originally Posted by Long Grass

Btw I have no problems with my device- I am cut.

Oh, sorry for inattention, I thought you do have problems.

Starting Stats (February, 2006): 6” NBPEL, 5” EG Mid-Shaft; Current: 6 ⅝” NBPEL, 5 ½” EG Mid-Shaft; Goal: 8x6” NBP.

Originally Posted by Mad Dog
Oh, sorry for inattention, I thought you do have problems.

Is this some attempt at an insult?

Originally Posted by Mad Dog
Could you please be more precise?

I use Self Adhesive Ace Bandage Sports Wrap. You can find this at a sports department store. Used for ankles and such…

Originally Posted by Mad Dog
What is the connection? I’m uncut and my guess is that cut guys should have less problems wearing it than I do.

In case our friend latency was uncut I was advising not to use a noose design. I was also referring him to the new design of AutoExt being probably easier user-friendly than the PM and definitely more appealing than the JES along with the price. I was stating that I have no problems with my device- I am cut seeing is that I know I’m on a higher level of comfort being cut with extenders, but I’ve heard some testimonies from people having difficulty with head slippage and comfort. This is why i suggested the Ace head wrap being the alternative. In my experience I have no idea on the uncut issue and the comfort. Maybe you could try this if any discomfort arises before you receive your new head.

Originally Posted by Long Grass

Is this some attempt at an insult?

At first, I’ve not noticed an adverb ‘no’ were present”, and thought that on the contrary the uncut guys should have more problems with the given device. Then I noticed that I missed ‘no’ and apologized for own inattention. What insult are you talking about?

Starting Stats (February, 2006): 6” NBPEL, 5” EG Mid-Shaft; Current: 6 ⅝” NBPEL, 5 ½” EG Mid-Shaft; Goal: 8x6” NBP.

Originally Posted by Long Grass

This is why i suggested the Ace head wrap being the alternative. In my experience I have no idea on the uncut issue and the comfort. Maybe you could try this if any discomfort arises before you receive your new head.

I’ll try it out if I do find one.

Starting Stats (February, 2006): 6” NBPEL, 5” EG Mid-Shaft; Current: 6 ⅝” NBPEL, 5 ½” EG Mid-Shaft; Goal: 8x6” NBP.

I also misinterpreted what was being said. It must of been my own fault, I thought it was some sort of stab at me. I’ve had a tiring day.My mind is farting. Good luck in searching.

Last edited by Long Grass : 06-30-2006 at .

Long grass: Do you had some side effects with the extender? I’m thinking about lack of Wood in the morning and weaker erection after pulling on 1200g +?

If I don’t take at least one full day off during the week it feels overworked. I haven’t seen an increase in morning wood nor a lack thereof, but I do feel more fuller when I wake up.

Well guys, it’s incredible, but Nature’s Accents were not send a replacement till now - they told that if the order got last by the Post or Customs (doesn’t matter Russian or American) that isn’t a problem for that they could be responsible (!).

So think five times before placing an order there.


Starting Stats (February, 2006): 6” NBPEL, 5” EG Mid-Shaft; Current: 6 ⅝” NBPEL, 5 ½” EG Mid-Shaft; Goal: 8x6” NBP.

Hey Mad Dog

I really need a stretcher, and was thinking about the penimaster. Did they ever end up taking care of you ie. money back or product. Have you got any more gains from it to date?

Long Grass, Latency, Mad Dog and others -

If you are experiencing loss of morning wood, soreness after 24 hours, and/or difficulty getting into your stretcher from one session to the next, then these are physiological indicators of overtraining. Please read Sparkyx’s excellent thread on PI’s for more details. Just search the website - you’ll find it.

In my own experience with the Penimaster, I have experienced good gains as long as I watched my own physiological indicators. Also, I very quickly learned that, for me, it was not necessary to wear the Penimaster 9 or 10 hours a day to get results as such times even wearing a band (let alone a noose that is downright dangerous) for 9 hours quickly led to negative indicators. Here’s what my routine evolved into:

Morning: put on the penimaster for 1 hour - see how much the tension bar shifts, if any towards a more loose condition at the end of that hour. Take the device off, shake your unit to establish blood flow and warmth/color, then wrap the entire package (both cock and balls) snugly but not too tight with a Therap wrist wrap. Go about your business for 2-3 hours. Watch and note what level of pump or engorgement you get wearing the wrap. A good pump is a positive indication just as good morning erections are.

Noon: repeat the morning session. If you have trouble getting into the stretcher because it is now too tight, then you probably need at least 2 days rest, if not more.

Late afternoon: Repeat the noon session. Stay wrapped until you retire.

Note: I do not recommend wearing any kind of stretcher, wrap, or any form of constriction when you sleep.

Repeat the steps above - 5 days active, 2 days total rest.

If I consistently have trouble getting into my stretcher for more than 3 days in succession, then I take an extended break for a month or so. This means you have to watch the rod setting on your stretcher very carefully as they can sometimes move around due to your body motion. However, those threaded rods and the spring tension are, over time, your best indication of how you are doing and how your unit is responding along with how you feel and the quality of your erections.

For more information about the TheraP wrist wrap and how to use it, search this site for PEFOREAL and his excellent thread about the Homedics THeraP magnetic wrist wrap. It is being used by pumpers, hangers, clampers - and even this poor old stretcher user.

All the Best,


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"

I don’t see any real difference in the extenders out there except for the top part that attaches to your penis and the price. I had the one with the comfort straps and can tell you that the straps break easily. I did get some length gains from using it about 1/2 inch in about 2 months use.

The things are pretty painful to use though in my opinion. At first I could only stand to wear it for 4 hours. After about a week of use I could wear for 12 hours though.

If you want one Ebay is a good place to find them for cheap. Some people on there offer extenders that were never used and still in the box.


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