Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Which extender to buy

The Vac-Extender is probably the most comfortable traction device on the market. Some people complain of not being able to feel a “stretch” when wearing it, however. If you do opt for the X4 labs extender and find the noose or strab intolerably painful to wear, you can modify it with the Vac-Extender head/sleeves for 90 bucks. I say go with what looks comfortable. I use a JES modified Vac-Extender, it’s very comfortable.

Buy an X4 and apply for the clinical trial. After 6 months, give them some forms and pics and youll get your 300 bucks back. I did it and I can attest, they give you your money back. Even I was surprised to be honest. Plus. Recently I had to get some new parts(spring mechanism got bent) and they gave me a whole new set free of charge plus S&H. AMAZING company from my dealings with them. I like to base my companies mainly off customer service, but in this case, both product that customer service has been astounding.

I combined the X4 with the VacExtender Modified like Yummyarsenic did and havent taken it off since. Amazing combination. Itl cost you a bit more, but in the end, it’s a wise investment.

Guvnoir, I filled in the holes in the head piece with hot glue. They we a source of pain and irritation. I also put a rubber band around the free ends of the comfort strap to help reduce slippage.

Is using the vac extender modification for the x4 just as effective as far as the stretch goes, like do you feel it in the ligs just as much? And is it really more comfortable, because I remember reading it makes fluid come out of your dick or something like that, can anyone attest to this?

Also I am a month into using the x4 right now, and about a week ago I started seeing a rod come out from the top of the tension knob on the right side instead of the tension knob moving up when I turn it. The one on the left still moves up when I turn it and will come out at about .8”, but on the left side after it goes up about .25”, a little rod starts coming out the top of the knob when I turn it instead of the knob moving up. What does this mean, is my device broken already?

Originally Posted by ray32
Is using the vac extender modification for the x4 just as effective as far as the stretch goes, like do you feel it in the ligs just as much? And is it really more comfortable, because I remember reading it makes fluid come out of your dick or something like that, can anyone attest to this?

Also I am a month into using the x4 right now, and about a week ago I started seeing a rod come out from the top of the tension knob on the right side instead of the tension knob moving up when I turn it. The one on the left still moves up when I turn it and will come out at about .8”, but on the left side after it goes up about .25”, a little rod starts coming out the top of the knob when I turn it instead of the knob moving up. What does this mean, is my device broken already?

Yes, it is more comfortable, but if not used correctly. it can cause fluid build-up and blisters.

If the extender is properly lubricated, the bar will increase length equally above and below the turn knob. If the bar does not move up above the knob, hold the knob with your fingers and turn the upper portion (I believe counter clock wise) with your other hand until the expansion is equal on both sides of the knob.

I don’t remember which forum I saw it in but somebody described a home made device consisting of a sock, some shoe-string, and an empty milk jug with some water in it. Total cost, less than $10. Give it a try before you plunk down $100 or more. What have you got to lose, a sock, and some milk?

I don’t know. Hanging sounds pretty scary. I think I’ll go for the x4 extender. Question is if I chose to buy the $99 model with the quad support system and supplement that with some Ala Cart items, what extra parts should I order? Bigger springs, rods, extra straps, pads? Want to buy what I’ll need for the next 6 months. Any suggestions?

Originally Posted by sleepy278
I don’t remember which forum I saw it in but somebody described a home made device consisting of a sock, some shoe-string, and an empty milk jug with some water in it. Total cost, less than $10. Give it a try before you plunk down $100 or more. What have you got to lose, a sock, and some milk?

There are a lot better and safer ideas than that on this forum for those who want to try and make their own extenders for very little money.

A quick search will bring up a few, I’m sure. :rolleyes:

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by idlk2blarge

I don’t know. Hanging sounds pretty scary. I think I’ll go for the x4 extender. Question is if I chose to buy the $99 model with the quad support system and supplement that with some Ala Cart items, what extra parts should I order? Bigger springs, rods, extra straps, pads? Want to buy what I’ll need for the next 6 months. Any suggestions?

Since you are getting the quad support system, you should have everything you need to get started. I suggest you get some self sticking (Ace type bandage) tape to wrap your shaft under the straps. Improves comfort. There are threads on here describing proper wrapping techniques.

It seems that Andro Penis is a good extender.. But I can’t find good reviews of it. Anyone ?

I just use the LeLuv Extender that I got for about $60 off of ebay. Since I started using it, I already gained 1/2”.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

WetMayo, how much time do you put in a day? Do you use noose, strap, or something else?

Originally Posted by socrates85
WetMayo, how much time do you put in a day? Do you use noose, strap, or something else?

When I started out, I did around 4-6 hours a day. I usually do 2-4 hours a day now sporadically due to working a summer job. I started out with the noose for about 2 months and eventually got myself a strap.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Just got my hands on the KR VacExtender. I could wear it for 7 hours and I don’t feel any discomfort.

I remove it only just to pee. In the past, I have bought ADS from ebay and it is no way as comfortable.

I think comfort is paramount here if use of an extender is contemplated.

I just spent £160 UKP ($240USD) on a Jes Extender…. since I work at home all day I thought I would give it a try - what a piece of crap. I’ve yet to get the thing on despite 2 hours of trying. The piece of foam they give you to wrap round your dickhead is barely thick enough for a 10 year old boy’s dick, and it ripped already. the elastic thing that holds your dick in place pinches your skin through the holes as you tighten it - bloody hurts like hell.

I’ve just been at it it for another 45 mins and I just can’t get my dick to stay in. Anyone have any pointers?

Apr 2007 BPEL 6.4" -- EG 5.0"

Mar 2009 BPEL 7.6" -- EG 5.6"


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