>Anyone know how much head twisting is acceptable while hanging? <
>When I hang, the glans sometimes twists roughly 30-40 degrees relative to the top gap on the hanger. The reason I ask is that I am concerned about it causing any nerve damage.<
That is too much, your concerns are valid.
>I would like to be able to use my actually use my dick for the rest of my life. <
Is your bibhanger new or old? I’ve had two, and both times can recount twisting problems in the beginning. Perhaps you use too much wrap, preventing the hanger from gripping the shaft fully?
There are many threads on twisting, do a few searches and you might find the answer.
>I also would like to know how tight the uli thing/cockrings/wraps need to be in order to engorge the head and upper shaft. I know it’s difficult to quantify tightness but I’ve tried wrapping tightly before and my upper shaft only gets engorged while I’m erect or semi-erect. The uli thing also doesn’t provide a uli effect that is as strong as my own hand can. <
With uli things I couldn’t get as good swell as with wrapping unless I masturbated a little to get the blood flow going. I think this is because the wrap stretches to compensate for the larger shaft, but the thing is solid and does not ‘give’. I would put the thing on loose, stimulate a bit which would of course make the thing tighter, and eventually it got to the point where it was too tight, then I loosened a bit and it was fine, good engorgement. Give that a try.
I think hand-uli’s can give more force, but the thing can keep your hands free while you do other things, like hanging.
>If these devices are on tight enough, shouldn’t my dick have no other choice but to engorge with blood?<
If it is too tight it will cut the blood vessels leading into the penis, which are on the inside. The ones that take blood away are round the outside, so if you restrict those without restricting the inner ones, you get engorgement. Like so many things with PE, it’s a trial and error thing.