This is something I’ve been pondering recently also, I put a lot more faith in clinical studies rather than anecdotal evidence since there’s so much conflicting information although I understand studies can be manipulated and anecdotal evidence does count for something.
The thing that made me really think about this was looking at the Phallosan study as opposed to the Restorex study.
The Phallosan study candidates wore the device at low tension for a median of 6.5hrs per day and after 3 months of use the median increase in penile length was 1.05cm.
The Restorex study candidates wore the device at high tension for 1hr per day (2x30mins) and after 3 months of use the the increase was 1.6cm, they found no further benefits from the group wearing it for 3x30mins.
The initial conclusion looks like less time and higher tension is superior but if you read the studies carefully the Restorex says the 1.6cm gain is restoring lost length due to Peyronie’s so it’s still not clear cut.
This comparison reminds me of when I was trying to learn about bodybuilding, one camp argued that short workouts with high intensity was most effective and the other camp argued less intensity with more volume was best and now after many many studies looking closely at this the fact is, they both work so it’s best to do what you enjoy and what you’re more likely to stick with long term and suits your lifestyle.