Thunder's Place

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Another numbness question



Also, I meant to say, there is nothing wrong with cutting a set short if the feeling becomes too intense. Many times, my max weight would become too intense in the middle of a set, I would reduce the weight, and it would still be too much. I would then stop the set, and start the next one at the lower weight. This would usually be fine.

But sometimes, I would have to drop the weight a lot after I could not hang the next lowest weight. I felt this was because of some bigtime deformation at the higher weight. Just another example of listening to your body.

Do not fight it. You seem to know when your body is telling you enough is enough. Please listen. If you push it, you will cause deformation to the point of injury. This is not a sprint, but a marathon.


Hey guys, I’ve gotten a numb head a few times while hanging. Is there anything I can do to prevent it?


>Fatigue is both a description of the feeling induced when hanging to tissue deformation, and/or the actual deformation of the tissues. It is a feeling of failure of the tissues, so that you feel you cannot hang at a current weight. It can be soreness.<

I think I have hit fatigue then, though I could not tell you at just what weight this occurred. Sometimes the need to lower the weight was because of discomfort felt more generally in the ligs area. But more often than not it involved shaft soreness. I’m convinced now, after all this discussion and advice, that this shaft soreness was a combination of both hanging too much too quickly and hanger attachment problems. I will attend to both.

>If I could not concentrate on business, or would catch myself watching the clock, I would usually be at failure for that particular weight. I would usually reduce the weight at the moment. If I was at the end of the set, I would reduce on the next set. I almost NEVER pushed it. If I was not comfortable, I would stop the set, or reduce the weight.<

That’s good news, and very encouraging. I simply cannot afford to have my concentration broken (even minimally) for however many hours of the day that I am hanging. I have seen some modest gains in the month I’ve been hanging (about 1/4”). Let’s hope this continues, when proceeding more gradually.

Once again, thanks for all the sage advice. I’ve learned a lot from this.



First, was it chronic numbness, or acute?

If chronic, stayed numb for a long time, then you would need to describe everything you did while hanging. More than likely, you put quite a bit of pressure on the dorsal nerve or the bundle behind the head.

If acute, it may have just been one set where things wer not right, or you overdid it.


Hey bib, it’s acute. Once I take it off everythign returns to normal. It has happened a few times, could be a setting, I just can’t figure out what it is though.


I would say simply watch for the pressure on the dorsal nerve and directly behind the head.


Ok, I think it happens when my penis isnt aligned straight in the hanger, so kinda twisted in the hanger.


>Ok, I think it happens when my penis isnt aligned straight in the hanger, so kinda twisted in the hanger.<

Yes, that can do it.


I still got numbness even from having my penis in the hanger aligned. Then i tried attaching the hanger further from the head for the penis, which seems to do the trick. I remember reading you want the hanger pretty close to the edge of the wrap, on the side closer to the head. Does it matter?


>I still got numbness even from having my penis in the hanger aligned. Then i tried attaching the hanger further from the head for the penis, which seems to do the trick. I remember reading you want the hanger pretty close to the edge of the wrap, on the side closer to the head. Does it matter?<

Assuming you are using a Bib, you want the hanger fairly close to the edge of the front of the wrap toward the head so that the blood channels are able to function on the front. If the hanger is too far back from the edge, more than about a quarter inch, the possibility is there, if the wrap is not elastic enough, for that first couple wraps to act like a noose, cutting circulation.

Concerning how far back you place the hanger, you can adjust where you start the wrap if you want the hanger further back. Then stretch out your penis by stretching from the head when tightening the hanger to grasp more internal structures. You do not have to place the hanger further back on the wrap itself.



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