Thunder's Place

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Another wrap question for you Bigger and the other hangers

Another wrap question for you Bigger and the other hangers

Bigger & others

We you guys have wrapped and hang in the past and your goal was to stretch skin, did you ever instead of attaching your hanger(s) closer to the base, deliberately while wrapping not hassel over gathering and drafting the skin back towards the base but just let the skin get caught up in the wrap so it would get stretched regardless of where hanger attachment point was. ?
(sorry about the lenght of this question)


Re: Another wrap question for you Bigger and the other hangers

I don’t think I’ve ever deliberately set out to stretch skin.

What happens occasionally is….. everything is all set up, when I feel nothing but a skin stretch. Sometimes, when this happens, I say to myself, “fuck it! I need to stretch skin eventually anyway,” and so that is what I do during that hanging session.

Spiro Agnew,

Thanks for your response.


Yes, this will be different for each guy. Some start with really tight skin, some with loose skin. Some stretch skin easier than others.

In the beginning, I did not have to put the hanger much toward the base to stretch skin. My goal was to not only increase length and girth, but also to regrow my foreskin. When this is the case, as the skin lengthens, most guys will have to place the hanger closer to the base in order to put the stress on the skin.



I think that I am in that group of guys with the really tight skin. When I have an erection I can barely draught my skin forward.

When draughted forward while erect the skin like only covers 1/4 of my head. And also yesterday for instance while hanging BTC for 3 sets at a max of 4.5kg I could feel during each set that the skin on the base was tight but was not producing a burning sensation.

Perhaps I am about to experience a slight length gain internally and the skin has become tighter again? (although my workload this past few months has been very poor).

Anyway I recognise the fact that I require more skin to work with for now and that is my immediate goal.

And by the way Bigger, I have been more comfortable since acquiring the startor. I think that the regular is just too big for me at the present. So on reflection it appears that tight skin and a hanger that was a little to big for me has caused me a few problems as you have been made aware over the last 7 months.

I have also changed settings to I think a toe in setting( front gap smaller than the back gap) and to be honest it feels alright for now.


Last edited by Gentle Mr Justin : 12-01-2003 at .


Glad you are getting it worked out.



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