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Any recent Bib hanger buyers???

Any recent Bib hanger buyers???

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone here has made a purchase for a Bib hanger lately? Reason is, I purchased a Bib starter on 1/12/06 and it hasn’t showed up yet. I tried to contact Bib thru his new site (where I made the purchase) @ but no reply has been sent. I believe the actual site was called “Bibhangers @ MOS” in my favorites. It’s now been 11 days, no hanger, no response. Also, I just clicked my favorites to bring up Bib’s site but now it goes directly to the “Mattersofsize” web site. It appears Bib’s site is now gone?? This troubles me, as I now have no way to find out what is going on with my purchase.

If anyone else here on Thunders has made a purchase from Bib lately for a hanger I’d appreciate knowing how long it took to receive your hanger or If there was any problems involved with getting one.

It did say on the order page to allow up to “3 weeks” for delivery and they would notify by email if they were backed up. I haven’t received an email yet so I don’t know what’s happening.

Thanks for any feedback!

Hmm, I can’t see any mention of Bib on that site. Strange.

Why didn’t you order through ? I thought it was cheaper.

Has the money been drawn on your credit card? If so, try contacting MOS directly as I think they handle all the payments. Then you could email Bib directly - - to see if the order got as far as him. The next step is to contact your card company and complain of a fraudulent transaction. They should refund any money to your account immediately while they sort it out with MOS.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hi memento,

Well, I thought since Bib had joined up with DLD, the old web site was no longer active. I found the new “Bibhangers @ Mos” site and just figured that was the one Bigger was now taking orders thru. Yes, I just checked the Bib starter price on his old site and it is cheaper $95 compared to $110 on the MOS site. It is strange that the Bibhangers @ MOS site has been removed and is now Mattersofsize… very strange!

Damn! Looks like I shot myself in the foot on this one. But if Bib is selling on both sites looks to me he would have shut down one or the other to keep processing simple??. This is a pain. Oh well…

Anyway, I just sent Bib an email thru his old site?? in hopes I’ll find out what’s going on directly from him. I do believe Bigger is a good man and will straighten things out if he received the order. Yes, the money was drawn quickly from my account shortly after making the purchase.

If I don’t hear from Bib on this soon I will definately contact Mos to see about getting a refund or the Bib, rather have the Bib though!

It just seems strange it’s taking this long to get the hanger. Last time I ordered one it only took about 3 days to get it. I may give this a few more days, then if nothing, I’ll take action with the credit card company.

Thanks for the help! appreciate it.

DLD seems to be having problems their accounts were frozen or something like that but I’m not 100% sure so I would just contact lighting he handles the money issues at mos.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yeah...looks like things are ok!

Turns out, I got an email from Mos this morning saying my refund has been posted back to my account from MOS! I did send them an email explaining what had happened and very glad to say It appears I’ll get my money back.
Hasn’t shown up in my account yet but I’ll keep looking for it.

I let Bib know what was happening. He said just to order directly from him by sending a MO, personal check etc. He’s no longer taking credit cards for obvious reasons.

Looks like I’ll be getting my Bib after all.

At what price are you paying for the hanger the old price from the original site or the new higher price from MOS. It seems since BIB has tied relations with that site his prices has gone higher and higher every so often. I guess he’s feeding the homeless too.

I’m paying the old price thru Bibs original site. Won’t never deal with Mos again for anything. Yes, the price was higher for a Bib thru the Mos site but I believe it’s now been taken down. I don’t know why the price was higher at Mos but that’s not my business. I’m happy to be getting one at the cheaper price, that’s all that matters to me.

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