Here’s a another newbie story:
I have used Bibhanger now for about three weeks. The first week I didn’t get any real sets in, it was all experimenting. The second week I had some kind of schedule, 3x20min 2 days on, 1 day off. The third week was already a good hanging week where I could put some 5-6 set days in. I’ve kept the weights low, naturally.
The hanger *IS* fantastic. I made some adequate hangers myself, similar to AFB and the old BH, but this one really rocks the shaft while the head is just fine. All my previous hangers put some pressure on the head, pressure which then limited hanging time — pain, fluid buildup etc. Theraband also is a factor, I didn’t really get the concept of wrapping until now, cloth alone doesn’t really (IMHO) provide a “package” like theraband does, and with the BH it’s easy to tighten the hanger with no pinching whatsoever.
So far, with my LOT of approx. 8:00, I’ve used the option to hang straight out while sitting, which feels great. I actually *could* forget the hanger on with the weight I’m using (11lbs), if it wasn’t for the 20min time limit. I think with my LOT it might be beneficial also to do some hanging straight down to extract every last drop from the ligs, and I definitely feel a strong pull when sitting at the edge of my chair and the 11lbs hanging downwards. When I get fatigued, I either continue hanging down with less weight, or change to hanging straight out with 11lbs and eventually less, when even sitting down that weight feels too heavy to hang.
I don’t know what to say. For the first time, I’m feeling I got a chance for some gains, which I haven’t felt for like three years when I got my only gains so far by jelqing. (Current BPEL approx. 6.5”) Thanks, Bib.