Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bib hanger and vac bundle for sale

Bib hanger and vac bundle for sale

Hi guys I’m selling my bib starter and other bits and bobs if anyone’s interested? I was going to sell a while ago but changed my mind but it’s time to clear out the things I don’t use now.

Only accept PayPal.

Currency Exchange Rates - International Money Transfer | Xe if you need a currency converter.

Bib starter-
UK- £35 (that’s including shipping)
International- £45

Vac hanger (2009 or around model)
2 red sleeves for vac hanger
Vac Extender Cap (The one that could be used as a light hanger too)
Autoxsleeve weighted cap (First models I think)
Autoxsleeve stealth cap (First models I think)
Autoxsleeve Regular cap (First models I think)
8 rolls of anti fluid tape

UK- £35
International- £45

Let me know guys. I will also donate to Thunders £5 for each Bundle I sell, I’ve been short on funds and haven’t made a donation in a while :(

Hi man I am very interested in the bib starter .. I can take next week? Thanks and sorry for my english (I’m Italian) :)

Replied to your PM Pommy.

Guys I will post when the bundles sell so you guys know there gone.

Don’t forget to give Mr Thunder his 10% sales commission. :-)

I will do :)


You may have to reduce prices a bit :-)

NBPEL 2002: 5.5 inches, EG 4.5 inches.

December 2011: BPEL 7.5 inches; EG 5.0 inches; FSBPL: 8.0 inches.

All gone.

oh no! :-(

NBPEL 2002: 5.5 inches, EG 4.5 inches.

December 2011: BPEL 7.5 inches; EG 5.0 inches; FSBPL: 8.0 inches.

Little Death, if you don’t mind my asking, why are you selling? Have you reached your PE goals, or have you found something that works better than the Bib?


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