I’ve gained 1.5 - 1.75” erect length from hanging. I’ve been hanging off & on for about 20 months now. The first 5 months or so, I gained very little… then WHAM! About an inch in 6 weeks or so. Kinda like my ligs just suddenly decided to give up the battle ;-). I don’t know how unusual this sort of thing is… most guys I’ve read about report slow, steady growth until plateauing at some point.
The first 1.25” I gained was from using “The Grip”. I took a couple of months off after that, then began again for about three months… gained at most 1/8” during that stretch. I think that was because I wasn’t increasing in weight, or trying different positions… and that I was focusing more on jelq-type exercises at the time. After three months of that I was kinda burned out, and with little growth to show for a lot of hard work (I hate jelqing!), I stopped.
I took it back up again about 8 weeks ago after making myself several different “homemade Bibs” and AFB hangers. I didn’t measure until last week… mostly because I assumed that I had probably lost some length during the several months I took off, and didn’t want to let myself get frustrated over what I assumed would be lack of results yet. Imagine my surprise when I found that I had gained almost another 1/2” in that time! I attribute this to the heavier weights I could hang with than “The Grip”, and the fact that I had been hanging almost exclusively BTC since starting again.
I’ve now received and have started using the latest “Bib”… the best hanger I’ve used so far! :-) I can’t wait to see what may come of my efforts in the upcoming months.
My only regrets now are that I didn’t find this forum sooner… I probably would have been “hanging smarter” for a whole lot longer, without all of the layoffs. Who knows where my gains might be by now? :-)