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Captain Wench Problem

Captain Wench Problem

Hi, this is a question for anyone that uses the Captains Wench.

The grippers of the Wench are beginning to slip off while I hang, and no matter how hard I tighten the cable clamp they still slide during my hanging session. Its been an on going problem Ive been having with the Wench overtime when the stickiness between the Velcro and grippers begins to wear out and I had to replace them. I was thinking of super gluing the gripper to the Velcro.

Have you guys experienced this problem and what steps have you taken to combat this problem?


"The greatest inspiration is not out doing others but out doing ourselves."

Can you just replace the worn-out parts?

How much weight are you hanging?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Thanks for the reply,

I always replace them but I go through the grippers pretty fast.

I’m hanging around 7lbs - 5lbs straight up (11 o’clock angle) using bungee chords.

More in depth, I hook bungee chords to my Wench and then to the legs of my desk and lay down for a straight up stretch.

Could be this awkward angle that causes the grippers to slip easier.

"The greatest inspiration is not out doing others but out doing ourselves."

Sounds strange that they slide off like that at only 7lbs. I’ve never had any problems with the construction of the wench, let only sliding of the grippers, at that weight. Are the rubber grippers strongly attached to the Velcro liner that gets Velcro’d to the main strap?

Yep, as firm as can be.

The grippers sticky side doesn’t seem that adhesive straight out of the box. I may try buying a non toxic glue like “gorilla glue” and pasting them together.

"The greatest inspiration is not out doing others but out doing ourselves."

Originally Posted by OneArmedScissor
Yep, as firm as can be.

The grippers sticky side doesn’t seem that adhesive straight out of the box. I may try buying a non toxic glue like “gorilla glue” and pasting them together.


I am using 6 lbs (sometimes 7 lbs) to hang, using the Captain’s Wench.

Try using a dress sock over the penis before you put on the Wench and clamp.

Of course, cut out the ankle and foot of the sock and just use the straight part…

Works like a charm for me.

My idea of perfection is a 9x6 erection! - Anonymous

Are you using exactly the grippers that Capt’n Hook suggested? Anything different will give different results.

I built a half-width Wench (the “Wenchette”) with the recommended pads, and could still hang over 15# before the adhesive started to slip. You ought to be doing much better with the full size Wench.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by OneArmedScissor
Hi, this is a question for anyone that uses the Captains Wench.

The grippers of the Wench are beginning to slip off while I hang, and no matter how hard I tighten the cable clamp they still slide during my hanging session. Its been an on going problem Ive been having with the Wench overtime when the stickiness between the Velcro and grippers begins to wear out and I had to replace them. I was thinking of super gluing the gripper to the Velcro.

Have you guys experienced this problem and what steps have you taken to combat this problem?



Do you have:

A. The sticky back of the gripper glued to the sticky back of the stiff”(rough hook”) Velcro rectangle (1”x2”)


B. The sticky back of the gripper glued to the soft Velcro (inside of the Wench)


It should be A. You probably already know this, but this is the first time that I’ve heard of the slipping because the sticky to sticky is a pretty decent bond, so it could be that you have a B scenario.

See Step 2 of the Step-by-Step Instructions

My idea of perfection is a 9x6 erection! - Anonymous

Thanks for all the helpful responses.

The instructions for the wench were very well illustrated so everything was properly constructed.

I think modestoman was dead on I may have bought 3rd rate grippers. Also I may have not entirely been putting the wench on properly.

After re reading the instructions, the grippers have to be parallel to the sides of the penis some times they were very slightly on top of my penis. The cable clap seems to put more pressure on the sides so the grippers not being fitted in the right position may have caused them to slip easier.

Properly fitting the wench has only moderately reduced my grippers from slipping, though should stop entirely with better quality materials.

Again thanks for all the help.

"The greatest inspiration is not out doing others but out doing ourselves."

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