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Captain's Wench Help

Captain's Wench Help

I’ve always had a hard time finding a good grip so I decided to try and make the device. I went into WAl-Mart but I couldn’t find all the supplies. I found the grippers and the clamp but I didn’t find the VELCRO brand tape. I saw some by 3M and I was wondering if that was alright. I also couldn’t find the nylon straps and I was too embarrassed to ask someone in the store being that I know a lot of them. What section of the store is nylon straps usually in. I haven’t made it to Lowe’s yet but hopefully I can go tomorrow

Industrial Velcor, Home Despot, $6.00

Nylon Straps, Camping Store, $2.00

1” gain, BPEL: Priceless!


The Velcro is in the Amish section- where the fabric and yarn and all that stuff is.

I found my nylon strap in the camping/sporting goods section.

I found my nylon strap in walmart’s fabric department plus they carry the velcro, but they were out of it when I went.

Originally Posted by regerer
I’ve always had a hard time finding a good grip so I decided to try and make the device. I went into WAl-Mart but I couldn’t find all the supplies. I found the grippers and the clamp but I didn’t find the VELCRO brand tape. I saw some by 3M and I was wondering if that was alright. I also couldn’t find the nylon straps and I was too embarrassed to ask someone in the store being that I know a lot of them. What section of the store is nylon straps usually in. I haven’t made it to Lowe’s yet but hopefully I can go tomorrow

If you can’t find a nylon strap in stores take a look around your house/apartment. You will likely have an old gym bag or other like object that can be sacrificed. Simply liberate the object of its strap, trim it down in length, and you’re gold ponyboy.


Originally Posted by CaptnHook
If you can’t find a nylon strap in stores take a look around your house/apartment. You will likely have an old gym bag or other like object that can be sacrificed. Simply liberate the object of it’s strap, trim it down in length, and you’re gold ponyboy.


I made my wench now what are the best techniques to use for stretching and whats best for weight hanging? Do I need a S hook or what?

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

You need to read as many hanging threads as you can stomach, then read a few more.

I read a bunch of hanging threads but I didnt see many for this particular wench that Captn designed. In his thread showing this wench he said he would post routines, stretching tips, and everything for this device but I havent been able to find them.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

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