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Clinical Study on Hanging?


Originally Posted by redbear52
I am not finding the particular abstract I was thinking of on the Andropenis site. You might look at this for the synopsis of some small studies that have been done regarding traction devices (extenders):

Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I recall most (if not all) of these studies are questionable because the Andropenis gains were flaccid stretched length gains not truly erect length gains and as we know on here, streched penis gains is often not equivalent to erect length penis gains. You might want to read this thread/post by "behind the moon" on the Andropenis forum:

http://www.andr … php?topic=131.0

He also has an interesting post/diagram discussing why guys who are thick will have an erect length greater than stretched length. He writes:

"If you open the image, you will see two figures labelled A and B.

Figure A is a stretched flacid penis. As you can see the circles are the cells. The cells are stretched when one pulls on for a flacid streched measurment. Stretching causes narrowing of the cells, by normal physical law.

Figure B is an erect penis, and as you can see the cells are engorged and turgid, due to blood increase. The cells are full and thus, increase volume. Increasing the volume shortens the cells but at the same time expands them, increasing girth. This increased sideways growth or 3-dimensional growth causes the length to be different. I am not stating that the differences are huge. I am saying that minor differences can occur and everyone is different.

This is why in most cases, the flacid stretch will always be greater than the actual erect length.

However, there are cases where erect can be larger than stretched.. and even more so, stretched equalling erect perfectly. This is largey down to the matrix cell composition.

If one has a thick girth while flacid.. chances are the erect length will be greater than the flacid stretch.
If one has a very thin girth while flacid then chances are the erect length will be shorter or identical to the stretched length."

(20.6 KB, 94 views)

But the penis isn’t a homogenous cylinder packed full of identical cells. The structures which take the strain when the penis is forcibly stretched are primarily the fundiform and suspensory ligaments and the tunica albuginea. And the elements within these structures are not cells, they are collagen and elastin fibers in an extracellular matrix.

I have gained girth with PE along with length, and my BPFSL has become progressively larger than my BPEL. My girth is maximally about 6.3” at the base, around 5.7” midshaft, and around 5.4” at the glans, so while not enormously thick, I don’t think I would be considered skinny. My BPFSL exceeds my BPEL by about .75”.

I think Bib said his BPFSL was never more than 1.5” ahead of his BPEL. I don’t think I have ever had my BPFSL more than .75” ahead of my BPEL.

My NBPEL is still longer than my BPFSL. My BPEL is much longer than my BPFSL.

I`m not aware of any clinical studies, but I recall an (I believe I saw it on Bib`s forum) article where a doctor claimed to have gained a substantial amount in length from hanging with a Bib hanger.

It would be interesting to see it again if anyone can dig it up :)

Marinera has given the best data so far— it explained guys were using up to about 10lbs post-op (susp lig cutting) & they were making some good gains. The attachment method was the one thing I found confusing, since they used some terms I didn’t recognize. The latex yes, but the attachment point biology no. I was about to write a better comment earlier on this, but I got interrupted…

This : “Penile weights are hung from the corporal ridge”? I think she means the coronal ridge - right after the glans. A noose-style hanger, something that it is really not adviced to use around here.

Yeah, I know what the coronal ridge is. You’re right, they must have made a mistake with their terminology. That sure bolsters my confidence in their surgical procedures… right.

Yeah, nooses went out of style back in the 90’s. Don’t worry, I got the memo. ;)

Well, from what little we know, that particular surgeon didn’t get the memo about nooses. It implies their knowledge & methods related to hanging are probably inferior to the methods we already use.

Originally Posted by marinera
This : “Penile weights are hung from the corporal ridge”? I think she means the coronal ridge - right after the glans. A noose-style hanger, something that it is really not adviced to use around here.

I think that the low success rate on the “surgical”approach is the attachment style(noose) that they recommend after the operation, with 10 lbs which can’t be anything other than painful, making the compliance hard.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I doubt that is the reason, Alin; they use commercial extenders nowadays, most of which have a comfort strap.

Originally Posted by marinera
I doubt that is the reason, Alin; they use commercial extenders nowadays, most of which have a comfort strap.

I understand that they use commercial extenders in the present years, but I was referring to that specific study mentioned which used penile weights and maybe,but not surely , this “surgical approach doesn’t work” saying was based on results from studies similar to that one ,which also used weights with a low possible compliance. Just a thought. :)

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"


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