Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



When I hang the head often gets a dark dark purple color, however it is not cold, and there is no pain. Is this a bad thing to happen? I’ve seen it written that a dark color is bad.


A white or blue color and/or cold is bad. This shows a lack of blood flow.

A dark color is usually and indicaiton of high blood pressure, usually from the stress. You may have a noose type effect going on, or too much blood in the head to begin with.


Thanks for the reply, I’ll try to make some adjustments to see if I can rectify this.

Stick with BIB’s response, but I don’t mind having blood in the head, it makes my head bigger…not sure if this belongs in here, but it has somthing to do with blood in the head

el: 6.5in Long / 5in Wide bpel: 7.5in long Goal: 10in Long / 6in Wide

Originally posted by Talian
Stick with BIB's response, but I don't mind having blood in the head, it makes my head bigger…not sure if this belongs in here, but it has somthing to do with blood in the head

No, visible blood does not belong in there. But since Halloween is coming up, maybe you can use it when you go trick-or-treating. :)

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Aren’t you supposed to squeeze the blood out of the head when you hang? Don’t know much about hanging just adding my 2 cents.

I personally find it almost impossible to get rid of the blood in the head. I squeeze out as much as possible but I always end up hanging with some blood in the head.

My glans darkens a bit during a set but never looks purple or anything terrible like that. It gets cool but isnt traumatically cold and it always returns to its normal color after each set when I slap my dick against my leg about 30 times.

I always check for feeling in my glans while I’m hanging by pinching the skin on the head a couple times during a set. I’ve never felt significant numbness when doing this test. Hopefully I’m not putting my dick in serious danger by hanging like this but it seems as if its the only way I can hang weight from my dick.

Here is my current setup:
-regular bibhanger, hanging 13 lbs max
-tissue underwrap, with 2 theraband wraps over that
-both adjustment wingnuts at the tightest settings and I have to crank the top wingnut about as tight as it can go in order to hold the 13 lbs


>both adjustment wingnuts at the tightest settings and I have to crank the top wingnut about as tight as it can go in order to hold the 13 lbs<

It sounds like you are doing it about right, from your description of your penis while hanging. But you might want to add just a little more tissue, or underwrap, to give yourself a little more wrapped girth. This will allow you to use the adjustment hex nuts, and give some leeway to tighten the upper wing nut down some more if needed.

Remember the wing nuts should always snug the right skid against the inner hex nuts.The bottom wing nuts should always be tight before you attach the hanger.


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