Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

F-cking Ouch!

F-cking Ouch!

No joke, god damn…i feel really happy but really jittery…

I was just hanging ots..and the weight fell, the ones that were attached to my cock…and 15lb dropped to the ground, and on impact from about a 4 foot drop, my cock slipped out of the contraption, and i jumped the hell up…all i felt throughout my whole body was a major pain killer buzz - endorphines…really really strong buzz…

and i checked my cock out, realizin 1 of 2 things…either my cock is now really big from that major snap?…or my dick is never ever ever goin to see a good time again…

but my great fuckin luck gave me option c…my head was really sore, and on the inside of my dick hole was bleeding! i ran and jumped in the shower and it stopped, but im gonna keep my eye on it…even through all of this, i tried to keep it in its extended state to try to keep gaining…but even though me - not a doctor - thinks everything is ok, do you think i should get this checked out? also, there is a black dot on the tip of my cock, broken blood vessel?

please answer back!

Jesus…. sounds like you need to take a bit of rest from the thing.. remember how ED is caused… last thing you want is to fuck your penis up to the point where penis enlargement is no longer needed.

Start --- NBEL 6" length 5" girth

Current --- NBEL 6.5 length 4.9" girth --- BPEL 7.2 <--- WTF? I hate this fat pad.. I'm not even fat!?

Goal --- 8" length 6" girth


>but my great fuckin luck gave me option c…my head was really sore, and on the inside of my dick hole was bleeding! i ran and jumped in the shower and it stopped, but im gonna keep my eye on it…<

Have you checked the injuries and treatments forum yet? Bleeding dick hole has been reported a few times. Due to the cause of the injury, it is likely the blood is coming from a cut or something in the urethra in the head, so no PE until that heals FULLY. Go read the forum anyway.

>even through all of this, i tried to keep it in its extended state to try to keep gaining<

WHAT? You dropped a 15 pound weight 4 foot with your dick attached to it, your dick head is really sore and bleeding, yet you STILL continue with PE? Noooooooooooooooooooooo! That’s taking it a bit far don’t you think? Do you want a big dick that you can’t get up, or one that works? Safety first my friend.

>…but even though me - not a doctor - thinks everything is ok, do you think i should get this checked out?<

Oh sure everything is fine, dicks bleed everyday right? Give it a day or two and see how things develop, and decide if you want to get it checked out. I don’t know how bad the injury was but things of this type usually heal on their own.

> also, there is a black dot on the tip of my cock, broken blood vessel? <

I dunno, yeah, probably.


When you restart, start like a newbie again, low weights built up over time, or you might re open the injuries etc.

Good Luck

In order to prevent this sort of thing from happening again, in the future you may want to use an adjustable strap so that weight is never more than a few inches off the ground.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

everything is fine from the looks on it, i stretched a little bit today…im gonna strap on some weights later on today, possibly at a lower weight, but i’ll see…

el: 6.5in Long / 5in Wide bpel: 7.5in long Goal: 10in Long / 6in Wide

Dear Talian,

Do yourself a BIG favour and PLEASE,


ù ì å í



>everything is fine from the looks on it, i stretched a little bit today…im gonna strap on some weights later on today, possibly at a lower weight, but i’ll see…<

Take a week off AT LEAST, look, you are not going to magically forget all about PE if you take a break, it will always be there when you get back.

But if you insist on carrying on in this fashion, it’s no skin off my nose. Just don’t come crying back to us when you do yourself some permanent damage, you know the sort, where it doesn’t get better.



So far from what I have read, you hurt yourself. Now is your brain plugged in?

Listen to these guys, they KNOW what they are talking about. If you continue in this manner, you won’t need a bigger penis, cause the one you have won’t work anymore. You don’t just rush into this shit, you take it slow and easy. Maybe I don’t have a penis of my own, but I have used them from time to time, and I prefer the ones that work. Damage to nerves or blood vessels in the penis are PERMANENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As in forever and ever. I’m not talking about a thrombosed vein here, I’m talking rupture.

Slow down, take a break, a nice long one, and get your ass to a doctor.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Is there an OCD (Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder) thread somewhere this guy can go to???

For the love of GOD (!!!) TAL - give it a dam rest. I have overpumped a bit, and am taking time to let the petechiae (“blood spots”) on my shaft & head heal … you did FAR GREATER DAMAGE to your dick that I would ever have dreamed of.

God, bro - if I did that to my dick, I’d sooner live with an earthworm attached to me, than to try for a snake …

You dam near gave yourself a dick-ectomy —- HEAL!!!


"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


it is seriously not as bad as i may have made it seem, blood came out of the tip, and i dabbed it and it stopped, i have even harder erections now then before and i can still get it up whenever…i also banged the hell out of my girlfriend last night and my dick feels like it is much bigger, (mentally) it just feels like i am gettin more out of my bpel…hopefully this is a sign of upcoming gains

el: 6.5in Long / 5in Wide bpel: 7.5in long Goal: 10in Long / 6in Wide

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