F-cking Ouch!
No joke, god damn…i feel really happy but really jittery…
I was just hanging ots..and the weight fell, the ones that were attached to my cock…and 15lb dropped to the ground, and on impact from about a 4 foot drop, my cock slipped out of the contraption, and i jumped the hell up…all i felt throughout my whole body was a major pain killer buzz - endorphines…really really strong buzz…
and i checked my cock out, realizin 1 of 2 things…either my cock is now really big from that major snap?…or my dick is never ever ever goin to see a good time again…
but my great fuckin luck gave me option c…my head was really sore, and on the inside of my dick hole was bleeding! i ran and jumped in the shower and it stopped, but im gonna keep my eye on it…even through all of this, i tried to keep it in its extended state to try to keep gaining…but even though me - not a doctor - thinks everything is ok, do you think i should get this checked out? also, there is a black dot on the tip of my cock, broken blood vessel?
please answer back!