Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Feeling the stretch

Feeling the stretch

I’m hanging 10lbs mostly straight down, and some semi btc. And I’ve been hanging for about 3 weeks now.

While hanging, I don’t really feel what I would consider a stretching feeling, ie. I can feel the pressure of the hanger on my dick, but my dick doesn’t really feel like it is being stretched. However, if I do a light ab crunch while hanging, I get a feeling in the entire pubic area from the base of the penis upwards. The closest thing I could equate this feeling to would be like how an inactive person feels the day after doing some heavy duty DIY. You know how every muscle in your body just aches from all that work. Well thats the kind of feeling I get, but only when I do a light ab crunch.

Now, If I manually stretch straight down, I can actually feel this feeling while I pull, ie. I don’t need an ab crunch to feel it. Obviously by manually stretching I am using more than 10lbs of force. Probably significantly more. So my question is, should I be hanging more weight so that I feel this soreness in the pubic area while hanging (just like I do when manually stretching)? Or is the fact that I feel so sore when I do a light ab crunch evidence that I’m already doing enough?

If I haven’t explained this clearly enough, just say and I’ll try again (its so hard describing specific feelings!)


The best option is to slowly increase the weight until you start feeling that worked out, fatigued feeling fairly early in your session. But you have to work up to it.

The ab crunches should not be adding that much of a fatigue factor to your work.


I think I’m explaining it badly. The ab crunches aren’t adding to the fatigue, I mean I only feel the fatigued feeling when doing one.

Taken from your FAQ:

Q: Should I feel a pull/stretch in the area around the base? Or the area in my pubes near my base? Or in my cock itself (because I felt it there with the other hanger at 15lbs)? Where do I really want to feel it? Currently, when I laugh, cough or sneeze I feel it in the area around my pubes…

This is what I mean. When I laugh, cough, or sneeze (or ab crunch), I feel it in the area around my pubes. But when I’m not laughing, coughing, sneezing, or ab crunching, I feel virtually nothing! What does that indicate?



It indicates that you are at least somewhat deforming tissues, and reaching a moderate level of fatigue.

When you are actually hanging, you will not always feel fatigued. Sometimes, that feeling does not show up until you stop for a bit.

It sounds as if you are getting it done. You might be able to turn up the intensity a bit, but just go slowly.


Originally Posted by ThePenguin

Taken from your FAQ:


Where is this FAQ. I tried searching and couldn’t find it.


Thanks bib, much appreciated. I just didn’t like the idea that I was spending all this time and not doing it right (amazing how you can feel unsure even after reading so much info!). :)

Alrdybig: the FAQ is on bibs site at
I think every hanger, even those not using a bib, could learn quite a bit from reading that.

Originally Posted by ThePenguin
Thanks bib, much appreciated. I just didn’t like the idea that I was spending all this time and not doing it right (amazing how you can feel unsure even after reading so much info!). :)

Alrdybig: the FAQ is on bibs site at
I think every hanger, even those not using a bib, could learn quite a bit from reading that.

Hmm, is that a dead link? Doesn’t seem to be working…


Thanks THunder.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Oops! Sorry about that, I just noticed the erroneous ‘s’ on the end of the url. :)

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