Final Push.
I am going to push for the final 1/4 I need for my length gains. Since my wife doesn’t want me doing pe. I have gone under ground. But it’s risky in its own right, so I am giving it 4-5 months and then ending my hanging routine. I use a captains wrench, and a latex tube for tension. I drive at least 45 mins each day so I get 2 sets in 5 days a weeks. I set a timer so I can stop after 20, and rest, then start a second set.. Currently I am only doing it one way daily. Since driving I while stretching is risky on many levels -
I am looking for advice on if it’s faster for gains to do 4 sets spread out 5 days a weeks for a shorter period, or 2 sets for the 4-5 months it may take for gains.