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foreskin up method or foreskin down?

foreskin up method or foreskin down?

To my opinion it would be good of hanging with the foreskin down instead of up, because it has for consequence to stretch th skin wich would be too ,a limiting factor to the ligs extension.

I mean that because of its elasticity, the skin of the sex can in retendant to close the microtears of the ligs. I have just begun this method wich needs a little more weight than with the foreskin up. what do you think about it?I would give news if I get good results, for the moment I gained only half an inch with the foreskin up method, so I try an other strategy. newbie wxcvbn 8 expecting for 10


How much weight are you hanging with the foreskin down?

I don’t recommend it at all. I hang with the foreskin up, and there is plenty of slack in the skin all along the shaft, it’s not taking any of the stress. Don’t put the foreskin fully over the head, just halfway. If you push it too far forward the skin will be too tight behind the hanger.

With the hanger set right - gripping the internal structures - the skin will not take stress even at high weights.

I think there must be delicate veins towards the end of the foreskin because that is where I felt the pain when experimenting with this.

Another problem with hangin with the foreskin down is that the skin may be tight to begin with, and a limiting factor to growth. If you hang as I suggest above (skin halfway over head), and the skin is still tight and taking stress, it may be your first limiting factor. If you hang with the foreskin down (safety issues aside), you wouldn’t know this.


Thank you SS4

to answer me so fast, first I’m only hanging with 11 to 13 lbs and I guess you’re right, it’s thrue that I fell less tension in the ligs by hanging foreskin down and the end of my sex is quite purple, never the less how could grow my dick if my ligs increases but not my skin. from my point of view while the rest the skin is thighter and the microtears in the ligs don’t stay open to length more.Am I right? I think my dick is made of the ligs and the skin too. But thanks to you to gave me your advice may be you can proove me I’m wrong.


Originally Posted by SS4Jelq

How much weight are you hanging with the foreskin down?

I don’t recommend it at all. I hang with the foreskin up, and there is plenty of slack in the skin all along the shaft, it’s not taking any of the stress. Don’t put the foreskin fully over the head, just halfway. If you push it too far forward the skin will be too tight behind the hanger.

With the hanger set right - gripping the internal structures - the skin will not take stress even at high weights.

I think there must be delicate veins towards the end of the foreskin because that is where I felt the pain when experimenting with this.

Another problem with hangin with the foreskin down is that the skin may be tight to begin with, and a limiting factor to growth. If you hang as I suggest above (skin halfway over head), and the skin is still tight and taking stress, it may be your first limiting factor. If you hang with the foreskin down (safety issues aside), you wouldn’t know this.


Hay, I think you can also help me,
I cannot even pull back my foreskin. It is a shame when I look at these videos and also other prone videos. Only I can pull it back when my penis is not tight. If it get tight on the time I pull back my foreskin, it hurts me so much. If you can, give me a idea.

( Sometimes you won’t understand what I’m talking about. Sorry, I’m not very familiar with English very much.)

IMUO (In my uncut opinion),

up or down, when the penis grows the skin must grow too, hence if ones’ penis has some foreskin left he should live it in its place when regularly wrapping one inch before the glans.

Perseverance wins

Originally Posted by buby
IMUO (In my uncut opinion),

up or down, when the penis grows the skin must grow too, hence if ones’ penis has some foreskin left he should live it in its place when regularly wrapping one inch before the glans.

Unfortunately that isn’t the case. When the ligs increase, the increase in length usually happens well before skin has had a chance to grow. For those of you who are uncut this could mean anything from less overhang to skin that is pulled tighter to a more exposed glans depending on how much coverage you started with. For those of us who were circumcised, and especially for those of us cut with a device leaving little shaft skin, the result is migration of pubic/scrotal skin up the shaft - thus the term “turkey neck”.

- Chris

I believe the turkey neck effect happens to both cut and uncut hangers but that refers to the lower portion of the penis, the one facing the scrotum. The skin in the upper portion of the penis must grow to allow growth beyond a certain extent. When that extent is reached I really cannot see a difference between uncut and cut hanging.

Perseverance wins

Yes the term is usually just describing the bottom portion, but it is the same thing: borrowed skin. Sure the skin has to grow to accommodate length beyond a certain point, however it is definitely possible to have hair creep from length gain before the skin catches up especially if the skin isn’t being stressed to induce growth. I think it all really just depends on how much skin you have to begin with. For somebody who is uncut, they may still experience turkey neck and borrowed skin from the pubic region, but it is far less likely if they have any amount of overhang to begin with. Why? Because the body will borrow the skin from the place of least resistance, in this case the overhang instead of the pubes. For somebody who is cut and already has hair up some of their shaft there is no place else for it to come from so it just gets worse.

It is not uncommon for somebody to gain 1/2” or so length in a month (albeit not consistently), yet skin doesn’t grow that fast. If it did I could have been done restoring my foreskin many months ago (I am 14 months into it). If somebody puts on that much length they are going to get some hair creep unless they have some excess skin.

Although I don’t know much about hanging, having done restoration for so long I have got the skin growth part down pat. :) Hanging with the foreskin down would be reasonable as long as the top part of the hanger was far enough away from the pubes. If it is too close to the hairy shaft skin then it won’t be stressing good hair-free shaft skin for growth. The skin under the hanger isn’t being stressed for growth at all and the effectiveness of the stretch drops off the further it gets from the place where it is being stretched. So if the pubes are too close I would suggest not pulling the foreskin all of the way down but only partially as SS4 suggested.

If hair creep does start happening, a little bit of skin stretching will correct it rather easily. Just be sure to stress the area you want grown.

Hot.Toto, you should look into manually stretching your opening. If you can fit a couple of fingers in then just spend 15-20 minutes a night stretching outwards to enlarge the opening. Worse case go see your doctor and they can give you a cream to help thin the skin and make stretching easier.

- Chris

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