Updated my monthly measurements here for other hangers, Length is up but shockingly girth went down and width went up also!! WTF I’ve never seen that happen before ever.
Bizarre to say the least - Suspect that’s a erection speed thing - the faster the erection, more size goes to the length tuncia layer and constricts the girth layer - just a theory I think if you have
“Balanced Layers” this could be possible - like I say just a wild guess!
NBPEL Continues to grow - almost at 7” NBPEL. This last week I got real busy so my hang time is lower than normal - will be back to my normal 2hrs day hang time next week.
I gotta say the weight jump from 3kg to 3.5kg - was huge in terms of discomfort, taking me ages to get used to that increase - and every time I read about someone hanging 10kg+ I shake my head in disbelief :P
** NBPFL:5.5” BPSFL:7.5” BPEL:7.25” NBPEL:6.95” EG:5.0” FG:4.2” EWidth: 2.0” FWidth:1.6” EQ 9/10 **
03-09/07/17 3.5kg(7.7lbs) 30mx2,x2,,x1,x1,x1,x1,x1 270mins Total: 3747mins 62.41hrs
26-02/07/17 3.5kg(7.7lbs) 30mx2,x4,x2,x2,x3,x2,x2 510mins Total: 3475mins 57.91hrs
19-25/06/17 3.0kg(6.6lbs) 30mx4,x4,x4,x2,x4,x2,x4 720mins Total: 2965mins 49.4hrs
12-18/06/17 3.0kg(6.6lbs) 30mx4,x3,x3,x4,x4,x4,x2 720mins Total: 2245mins 37.41hrs
** NBPFL:5.7” BPSFL:7.5” BPEL:7.4” NBPEL:6.9” EG:5.3” FG:4.2” EWidth: 1.9” FWidth:1.6” EQ 8/10 **
05-11/06/17 3.0kg(6.6lbs) 20mx5,x6,x6,x6,x6,30mx4,x4820mins Total: 1525mins 25.41hrs
29-04/06/17 2.5kg(5.5lbs) 20mx3,x5,x4,x6,x4,x3,x6 620mins Total: 705mins 11.75hrs
22-28/05/17 2.5kg(5.5lbs) 20mx3 60mins Total: 85mins 1.41hrs
15-21/05/17 5.0kg(11 lbs) 1minx5 5 days total 25mins Total: 25mins
** NBPFL:5.2” BPSFL:7.25” BPEL:7.25” NBPEL:6.8” EG:5.3” FG:*** EWidth: 1.9” FWidth:1.5” EQ 8/10 **
** Forgot to measure