Going to College, need help.
Hey all, I’m a senior this year and will be going to college in the fall.
With regards to PE, does anyone know how I will be able to get this done? I believe the freshmen dorms don’t have personal bathrooms and I can’t do it in the room or I’ll run the risk of a roommate walking in. I guess I could PE in the showers, but I’d have to shower 30 mins+ a day.
Also, does anyone have any experience on college sloots? The college I’ll be going to (and the surrounding area]) apparently does not have many available attractive females, but regardless, I assume college women will have more sexual experience. Do you guys know how an average penis size stacks up for college girls? I’m 6 inch bpel on a good day at max EQ, but I am low body fat so nbpel is about the same and 4.5ish inch girth. I guess this is about average or below average. I’m also a bit baseball bat shaped if that has any meaning.