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Great cloth wrap

Great cloth wrap

I got this great idea for my 1st clothwrap, I went to the baby section at JC Penny’s and bought some baby socks and just cut the feet off of them. It works like a charm if you wear one over the top of the other.


Just got mine tonight from Walmart! Any tips? Will try tonight just for a fit. Play around more with it later. Thanks for the idea, hope it works, I utterly suck at wrapping!:( Oh well! What can I do?

I have to agree with you guy’s. I’ve been using the baby sock pre-wrap for almost 2 wk. now. Sweet, they’re cheap and fit like a glove. I only use one, followed by about a foot and a half of blue theraband 1 1/2 in. wide. No slippage and very little discomfort at all. Glad to see this is working for others.

Oh yeah, thought I would pass this along. If your’e looking to buy some theraband. Pull out the Yellow Pages and look for Rehabilitation Clinic’s (Physical Therapy). I bought a piece of Blue Theraband, 6 ft. long by 6 in. wide for $5.

"If you build it, they will come".

This stuff rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wrapping was hard for me to do. With the baby sock , it is so freaken easy. Slip on and then wrap the therabrand on and tape it. The tape sticks well to the sock and doesn’t get on your dick at all!!!

I played around with it and hung for like 30 seconds and it felt so well. It was just a dress rehersal so to speak. The wrapping problem really slowed me down and then the PROCRASTINATION (don’t know what that means, I’ll tell you tomorrow). Go out and buy the socks best investment yet after the BIb Hanger!!!!!!!

The time you save on wrapping adds up! Don’t forget also that if someone almost catches you, it is a simple slip off with almost no chance of pinching or grabbing anything on the way off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is really a MUST!

Do you get tube socks for babys?

If not where do you cut them off?

I can’t help thinking there would be a hump in it where the heel goes?

Am i being an idiot here?

See Ya,


Cut it off where-ever you need to. Once you get it pulled onto your dick, your’e going to use some theraband right? It just need’s to be the length of the hanger width, doesn’t it?

"If you build it, they will come".

In response to Big J’s Question

I am actually in between Bib Hanger and Starter sizes. So I had some difficulty getting the device to work comfortably. I didn’t feel it prudent to buy a starter afterward, instead just suffer out a half inch and I will grow into it.

I just used the neck part to fit around my unit. You can always shop for a bigger sock at the store. Like the next size up. If you are a bigger unit this will work. I have cut everything from the hump or heel up off the sock. The neck part I used is very snug which is what i want and NEED!

The sock material works well with the scotch tape you use to keep the therabrand on. There is no sticky part that touches your flesh which is great for me.


Your correct. As long as it fits the hanger width. I have no idea what size you are but It is a base to tape the thera to. I use the sock neck to place high up on the shaft. I am a true beginner and have to grab some skin and other parts to begin with so i must Place really far up. The head sits uncovered to be a thermometer of how cold the head gets and sensation too.

Hope this helps! Feel free to repost with any and all questions!TT

Yeah, I just use the neck (ankle) of the sock. And I don’t even use tape in the beginning of my wrap. I put the sock on my unit, start my theraband out by overlapping the first wrap-then finish up by going up and down the shaft. I then finish it off with a small (1 in.) piece of scotch tape, to keep the the theraband in place while I slide my hombrewed BIB on. Works Great.

On a side note, I started BTC a couple of days ago. Holy shit, it feels like I doubled my weight -going from hanging EOC to BTC. The first time I tried BTC, my dick tingled for a coupla hours afterward.

I just started ADS today, so we’ll see what happens with that. I really want to get rid of the turtle. When my dick is relaxed, I would be happy with that flacid. Hopefully the ADS will help retrain my meat to hang in the relaxed state while flacid. Anybody have any opinion’s on this?

"If you build it, they will come".

how are you ADS? Are you using a home made device or the enlarger strap?

Side note: Bibs are back on the market. If you may be so inclined to get one.

Later TT

I use an oring just slightly larger than the diameter of the base of my unit as an anchor point. Then soft nylon rope around the waist to a noose of sorts, around the head. Slight pull, just enough to keep him from turtling during the day. Oh yeah, I use just a little pre wrap around the base of the head to avoid the abrasion factor.

>Side note: Bibs are back on the market. If you may be so inclined to get one.<

Nah, I think BIB’s invention is a great tool- but my homebrew works great.

"If you build it, they will come".

I sucked at arts and crafts, so I love my Bib Hanger. But if you had the time and the talent to make one and it works, GO FOR IT! if it aen’t broke Don’t fix it, is the correct saying I believe.

Sounds like the ADs works well. I am hesitant on anything with a noose around my head. I mean if I broke my dick I am so screwed!LOL

I am thinking of maybe the enlargerstrap for me. I believe that hanging followed by an ADS is the right way to go. I will get an ADS soon too. Just going to stealth hang for a bit first.

Do you preform any Jelqs during the time off from hanging and ADS? I am afraid my circulation would take a shit with all that pulling and tugging for hours at a time.

>Do you preform any Jelqs during the time off from hanging and ADS? I am afraid my circulation would take a shit with all that pulling and tugging for hours at a time. <

Who said anything about time off frome hanging! Just Kiddin :)

My routine:
5 min. hotwrap (rice sock)
20 min hang BTC 8 lb.
100 pulls with my PJ

I do this 3 times

same followed by 1/2 hr. direct jet on penis in hot spa (circ.)

Iv’e only started the ADS this week. Will have to improve the penis end of it. A little uncomfortable. How comfortable is the enlarger?

"If you build it, they will come".

I don’t know. I have yet to get it. I will though. I am still in my super duper caveman stage of hanging. The wrap really slowed me down. Now I have gotten passed it. Some like the strap others hate it.

Glad to be of help

Hi guys,

Sorry so late chiming back in….My dsl modem is messed up.
glad you all liked my Idea…feels good to help out where I can.



Thank you so much! The idea saved my ass with PE. I would have not been doing the wrap right still. Thanks again for the good thought! TT

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