Thunder's Place

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Hangers' Book Club


Hangers' Book Club

Does anybody else read while hanging? I always read to pass the time. Mostly I read self-help books and philosophy. But I was thinking, if we all read intellectual braincandy type books when hanging, we’d be geniuses by the time we reached our goals.

Anyway, just a thought.

I have collected a large amount of PDF books that I should finish reading. A book I recommend for the more technical is Scientific Stretching by Thomas Kurma (sp?). I just found it under my bed covered by all these one handed magazines. Interesting perspectives on kicking cold and using heat for ligaments in physical education like stuff. I guess someone smart could see if there is any PE Uses for it.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Here’s a thought. Instead of just reading why don’t you try getting into a college (either as a fulltime student or as part of your local universities professional education / open university classes). With all the time spent PE’ing you could have an impressive degree and an impressive package.



I think that is a valid point for some. When I was at my community college I took 15 classes or 45 credits via distance learning. Mostly telecourses in which the local PBS channel plays those insane educational shows at like 2 to 5 in the morning and you follow somewhat with a text. I only had two online classes of Macro & Microeconomics. I think hanging really is a great way for time management.

Always check with whatever 4 year school to see an articualtion agreement to make sure your not wasting time and money if you transfer. All my classes went over from distance learning.

But studying online, reading, or watching tv for class keep an alrm clock to make sure you don’t forget about your little friend. You don’t want him to get to file a injury claim against the school or your homeowner’s insurabce.:)

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Yah, what the teaser of twats said.

Currently I hope to experience the time management benefits of hanging and studying soon. If I hang for two hours a day, I Know I’ve gotten in two hors of studying also. Right now I’m still figuring out how to build an under the desk contraption for hanging.

Moby Dick

If you want to be an utter whore, I would suggest getting some tapes and books on Speed Reading, Super Memory, and of course Super Math. That way you can be even more efficient with the hanging. Yes I have all three of these programs. Some of which I found after I got them off Ebay are available on p2p networks.

I think someone built an under-desk pulley hanging system and posted it here. Can’t remember the name. If it hits me I will find it for you.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I just finished A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. It’s a very twisted story I finished in two days worth of hanging. Very good though, I definitely recommend it.

Hey TT

How’d those programs work for you? Ive done a speed reading one and it worked to an extent, but I don’t enjoy reading fiction as much when using the techniques I learned. Also, Im not sure my retention rate is the same as if I read slower.

I have not gotten my self help course on procrastination yet. Once I master that I will actually do something with these programs. Damn I am lazy!

I think speed reading is more for studying than pure enjoyment. I don’t think I could speed read Penthouse Forum and turn the pages without 3 hands. ;)


I liked ACO! I read it in high school and then reread it for a book review for creative writing. I hope you got the book with all 21 chapters.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I’m a university student right now, and I almost stopped PE entirely because I wanted to study more. Well, I managed to work in my 45 minute jelq/stretch session, but this spring will see me hanging and reading like there’s no tomorrow. As others have said, PE is just a hobby, and a darn good one at that. Some people do fantasy football. Others go fishing, play golf, or tend a garden. We hang weights off our flaccid penises. This semester, I hope to make the hobby more efficient in terms of time.

In my dorm there was this little unisex bathroom off in the corner of one of the basement study lounges. Now, few people used the place on mornings or weekend nights, so I had a very suitable little PE Chamber at that time. This semester is probably going to see me going old school and making myself a little shower stall PE Chamber afternoons and weekends. It’s going to be fun, and with all the studying I’ve been planning on doing, it will be educational, too.

Why is it that whenever I do PE, I feel like I’m getting away with something great? It’s just a great feeling. There’s the whole Fight Club analogy, which has been brought up many times, and I feel that, too. I just never thought that twenty minute sets of sitting basically motionless could be so inspiring.

Yes, I got the one with 21 chapters. Sucks that the movie was based on the 20 chapter (American) book; the last chapter would have been great on film. Good book.

I read alot of Richard Brautigan too. He’s kind of a weird mind-trip type author. I recommend “In Watermelon Sugar”, “Dreaming of Babylon”, and “The Hawkline Monster”. All three are very good mini-novels.

I was thinking of maybe buying some language books. Maybe I could learn French or Spanish while hanging.
There’s so much you could do.

Just watch out for papercuts on the little man when reading. I don’t want to hear about it in the injury forum!;)

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I should make Ann Coulter’s book “Treason” required reading for all hangers. She is really good.


Absolutely. I’m still in schol so I usually study while hanging. Finding time to hang is hard at times but if you multitask it’ll keep you on schedule. Read, watch tv, talk on the phone, etc.

Strength and Honour


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