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Hangers forum dead?


It is only in hibernation now. It will rear its weight swinging member soon enough.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by mcstrate
I read all the posts, but feel most of my comments or replys aren’t worth the bandwith they would take.

Thanks for sharing, mcstrate.
You should post more often, maybe you could have solved the slippage problem.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

The problem had more to do with swinging the weight back and forth and in circles. I could have avaoided all slip but would have had the hanger crushingly tight.

I thought I proofread my earlier post!

Forum dead? It has been a little slow. I did my part and started one new thread. It’s basic & crappy, but it’s something….

I find myself swinging the weight in circles, too. My theory is that you can hit each lig a little harder that way. I’ll have to be careful.

Originally Posted by RubberBandMan

I find myself swinging the weight in circles, too. My theory is that you can hit each lig a little harder that way. I’ll have to be careful.

GrandMaster RubberBandMan, founder of Penisfu, the deadly martial art of the penis. Don’t mess with this guy in the changing room of he’ll attach his penis mace and start swinging, ready to bust some heads!

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

haha! No, I meant gentle circles, not swinging around like a stripper’s tassles! I don’t want to have to explain a black eye! :)

Originally Posted by RubberBandMan
haha! No, I meant gentle circles, not swinging around like a stripper’s tassles! I don’t want to have to explain a black eye! :)

That just screams “America’s (XXX) Funniest Home Videos”.

If the hangers forum is actually dead - should I start posting my numerous questions about my Bib Hanger? I could provide complementary aspirin for all readers. :)

-Tom “I see Dead Forums….” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Originally Posted by Tom Foolery

If the hangers forum is actually dead - should I start posting my numerous questions about my Bib Hanger? I could provide complementary aspirin for all readers. :)

Are you saying we’d need to be drugged up to read your posts? :p

Sort of like watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas….

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

I already feel like posting more since Ramrod brought it up.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981
Are you saying we’d need to be drugged up to read your posts? :p
Sort of like watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas….

Well Redwood now that you bring it up, I do actually have a small following of drugged-out, residence impaired individuals. Nothing like what twat has mind you, it is like the King and an Elvis impersonator. I just wear a lot of rhinestone covered white polyester suits.

If you read every 22nd word of my posts and then take a few hits of acid suddenly I am the hobo version of the next messiah. Every time I hitch a ride on the rails, drug-induced bums always try to spit clean my shoes. (Which if you know bums is not really helping. In fact I lost a good pair of shoes that way to a tobacco chewing homeless man from Louisiana.) Sometimes I will hold a gathering with my halo of rusted tin cups and my choir of harmonica and hound dog.

Occasionally I will pick up a few strays from the twat cult. However by that time, the purple pixie sticks have gone all the way through the cartilage of the nose into the brain. By then it is much too late. Damn you! You Kool-Aid kidnapping, waitress wallowing, pixie stick pushing, freakishly tall and hypnotic giant! :)

Ahem. In my attempt to save this from being tossed in the crapper - which no one reads btw, I tend to find my posts don’t usually garnish attention so I tend to lurk more these days. It seems like 99% of the questions are answered and there is nothing new to discuss, at least from my meager experience. Maybe more posts = more insight?

-Tom “Don’t crapper me!” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Out of curiosity Tom, I have took every 22nd word out of your last post: “Like covered I try of rusted cult brain hypnotic to questions.” Somewhat cryptic, but I think with some strong acid or some good hallucinogen it may just be of epic importance to the fate of mankind…. or it at least describes the mindset of your cult worshippers, who’s “rusted brains” are “hypnotized” by your deep thought provoking “questions”.

I don’t think these posts can be sent to the crapper, as the topic is about the hanger’s forum activity, which we are addressing. (And adding activity to.)

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Redwood, or should I say “Brother” Redwood. I see you have found the light to the cult of Tom. Much like the Blue’s Brothers, I am on a mission from God. My goal is to put together a long scattered treasure, a sacred manuscript that was passed down through Buddhist temples since Sidhartha sat under the tree of enlightenment. You see, Brother Redwood, all great spiritual thinkers were hobo’s.

They didn’t own homes or immense wealth. They had their two feet and a lot of road to walk. Eventually they would achieve something called hobosis. This sacred state of mind is when you can finally understand what I have been trying to teach all along. All the mind-bending drugs of the sixties was part of my predescor’s attempt at creating mass hobosis thereby freeing everyone from the evils of the world, with the exception of Barry Manelow.

Join the cause Brother Redwood. Pick up garbage, volunteer, hug a tree, lick a psychodelic frog… Whatever you want to achieve hobosis.

-Tom “otherwise known as High WazaHiiiiyyyooo” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS


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