Hangers/iron penis/testosteron/fitness
We all know the iron penis story. If not google once and you will know.
It is supposed to make your hormonal levels higher and give your bigger testikels (Another word for testikels is testes…Does testosteron come from the testikels? It seems so, but I don’t know)
Testosteron is good for fitness. That is what I do know. Hanging in the iron penis method does give you those higher testoron levels.
Would that also count for the way we hang, or should we also hang standing and swing the weights?
I have searched for some contact info with Master Tu Jin-Sheng’s who invented the Penis Qigong but haven’t found anything.
If our hormones/testosteron rise’s we can also have better fitness workouts or recover faster.
I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..