Originally Posted by bubba77
I’ve been hanging for 19 months. I use a bib starter.I don’t measure erect because of inconsistancy with hardness of erections. I measure SFL (not bone pressed). I started at 3 pounds and have worked up to 25 pounds. I do 2, 20 minute sets morning and night. I won’t stop until I can hang 30-40 pounds or 9.0 inches FSL. I started with an FSL of approximately 6 to 6.5 inches and now I’m 7.6 inches. That’s not a great gain but for 9 or those 18 months I didn’t gain a thing.nasty plateau.
I did this when I began hanging….I hung straight down….and after about 5+ minutes of hanging, I grabed my penis head and gave it an extra (BIG)tug for as much of a length of time as I could handle. When the stretching sensation subsided, I moved the hanger closer to(or further from) the head. I then either did the same thing by tugging the head, or if I could not grab the head because of the hanger, I push-stretched the ligs with two fingers. I don’t know, it seemed to work for me at first because I gained .5-.75 in 3+ months. It could all be a measuring thing too, but I “KNOW” that I have gained a lot since I began PE. I always thought this kind of stuff was BS, but it IS for real!!
Also try the manual Between the cheeks stretch, or Sit Down stretch.