Hangin' Heavy
I’m convinced that hanging with heavy weights is the way to a bigger penis. All of this, start out with 5 1/2 pounds and work your way up stuff is good because it is very safe. But I’m convinced that what you want to do is hang as much weight for as much time as you can. The whole move up 2 1/2 lbs. every week stuff seems a little too cautious to me. Once you get past learning how to wrap and apply your hanger, and have good circulation while hanging, from then on it’s just how much weight you can sustain without being too annoyed with the pain. If you’re not feeling fatigue during or after your hanging session, you’re doing something wrong, you should be able to feel the ligs coming out of your body. When I do backwards PC pushes(blasters while hanigng) I can feel a distinct stinging feeling on my ligs right where they attatch to my body.
I’ve been hanging for a couple of weeks now and have had supurb gains. I’ve gained 1/2 inch in 3 weeks from hanging, and started doing “A” stretches before hanging about a week ago, and I can tell that I’m in for some very fast gains coming up, I can literally see that my cock is getting bigger everyday. I’ve only been hanging about a month now and I can easily hang 25 lbs. from me cock. I’ll max out and do that weight for about 10 min. at the beginning of a workout to fatigue my ligs.
I did PE for a couple of years before i discovered Thunder’s Place, gained 1 1/2 inches. I was just stretching and jelqing and quit because I hit a plateau that could not be overcome by stretching only. So anyways, I’m just trying to say that as long as you’re getting good cirulation and not hurting anything, go for the gold and hang more weight. Getting fast gains is very motivating, it keeps you very willing to go through the effort to get what you want. What do you guys think?
I though I’d never get past 7! hurray, i’m there and gaining fast. I keep you updated on me gains.