Thunder's Place

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Hanging and "Heavy" Girth Work

Hanging and "Heavy" Girth Work

One thing I’d like to clear up…I’ve read here that combining hanging with heavy girth work can be dangerous. But does that only mean I should avoid hanging with heavy girth work in the same session or does that mean I should actually avoid heavy girth work for the whole period of time I’m hanging (for example, 6 months)?

There is no problem combining the two. I do not know what you mean by heavy girth work, but you should use commonsense like you would any workout. Two marathons in one day is putting excessive demands on the body.

Take anything and everything that DutyQuest has posted with a large grain of salt.

The consensus is that girth gains make it more difficult for length gains, so you should only focus on hanging for the time being. Along those lines, hanging is pretty intense, so is heavy girth work, so by combining the two, you’re just asking for an injury.

Started (6-10-12) BPEL: 7.000", NBPEL: 6.0" EG: not certain

Current (10-20-13) BPEL: 7.75", NBPEL: 6.375", EG: 4.875"

Goal: NBPEL: 7.5", EG: 5.5"

Thanks for the replies. I really only want to gain about 1/2 inch of length, and then concentrate on girth. Girth is my primary concern.

Thanks for the replies. I really only want to gain about 1/2 inch of length, and then concentrate on girth. Girth is my primary concern.

Sorry for the double post, got caught during maintenance hour…


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