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Hanging and Pumping

Hanging and Pumping

In a recent post on the Pumpers Forum, “Progress, Thanks to You Guys”, I explain that I gave up hanging because of persistent foreskin bruising. I tried everything I could think of, but couldn’t beat it — though the Bib hanger is a terrific invention, and in my opinion is the best way to hang. I turned then to pumping and manual stretches, but recently experimented again with hanging, and discovered that my tendency to bruise during the AM hanging session was relieved by my PM pumping session. The trouble I used to have was that I’d hang on day 1 and get a light bruise, which would become much worse on day 2 (or even day 3, if I skipped a day). I think the extra blood-flow induced by pumping in effect cures the bruise, and I hope this might help other hangers who, like me, have foreskin problems.


I was hoping there would be a lot of conversation on this topic, but I guess not.

I think you are going through the fluid buildup thing from pumping, ‘washing’ out the trapped blood from hanging from the interstitial spaces. I accomplished the same thing by staying wrapped after hanging and allowing the head and upper shaft to swell. After a good amount of time from doing this, I would get the swell under the skin from fluid buildup and the discoloration would go away.

I also applied Arnica gel to the areas, and I think both regimens helped.


Thanks, Bigger:

Yes, I think that’s it — washing out the trapped blood. As I suggested, the foreskin is the main problem area. I have a fairly copious amount of it, and it discolours almost immediately when I tighten the hanger. I have wrapped in a wide variety of ways, and changed the settings all over the place. At the moment, I’m doing quite well with a very wide toe-out (I am sort of baseball-bat shaped, so toe-out is likely to work for me; it has taken time to discover just how wide I need it for the best comfort level).

I had noticed in some earlier posts that uncut guys might have special kinds of problems with the Bib hanger, or, I guess, with any kind of hanger, and I thought it not a bad idea to pass on my experience with pumping.

That’s good advice about staying wrapped, but I find I need to unwrap and massage, or else the discolouration persists. I think that the heavy, flaccid foreskin just doesn’t let any washing occur, and needs direct assistance. I also use Arnica, though not during a hanging session, as you seem to do (if I understand correctly). Also, I have to limit my hanging sessions to 10 mins., so the whole thing is rather more labour-intensive for me than for most.

Thanks for the Bib hanger — terrific invention, as I keep saying — but now, for the first time, to the inventor.

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