Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

hanging questions


You mean they were heating their dicks even back in the ‘60’s or 50s’?

Buck Fush

Goodhead: Hobby makes a good point. There has been a lot of speculation as to heat or not heat. Most of us tend to look up to Bib as a kind of legend around here and probably assume too often what was good for the Biggermister is good for all. The truth is there are no two dicks alike. For safety sake I have to say, if in doubt, HEAT. But common sense alone tells us that to cool down fatigued ligs and tissue while keeping it extended is probably one of the best ways to cement hanging gains. Here is a little experiment I’m been playing with, not for newbies. After a strenuous hanging session, I end with a gentle pump at moderate pressure. Then I soap up in the shower and force on four golf weights, rinse off the soap then go out and jump in the pool and swim laps. The post pump plumpness keeps the weights on without any wrap and letting that post stretched flaccid dangle while swimming an alternate breast stroke and backstroke is a kind of straight out and between the cheeks hang while the tissue is still fatigued and extended and at the same time being drastically cooled down. My theory is it gives the same effect as applying heat and ice to a sprain, gets circulation accelerated and hastens healing thus recovery time is reduced. I’m experiencing some pretty good flacced hang gains here lately. However I can’t be sure it is due to only this hot-cold treatment, because I’m also doing other things. I had considered using an icepack, but was warned against it by, DW, who I believe is involved with tissue studies of some sort. I think It was DW, been a long time, forgive me if I’m not giving credit where credit is due. But this is all experimental and I don’t suggest it for any newbies. Ya’ll just wait and see if my dick falls off first before you try it.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Big G- I was just thinking that in my head, about using an icepack for a very brief amount of time. Also I was thinking about using one of those microwavable thin heat pads to be used part of my wrapping so it won’t get as sore from hanging. Just have to get out to walgreens and go shopping :)

To be sure, the 1/2 on 1/2 off method is likely not “the best way” nor obviously is it the only way. That’s why I proposed it as “one way of using heat”.
Personally, I prefer the moist heat of a rice sock to the dry heat of a pad. The moisture that is released as the rice cools seems to interact better with skin and tissue, and possibly expedites warming of internal structures.

What is very encouraging is that by using a rice sock you now reach fatigue pretty quickly - so whatever you are doing works! :up:

I also prefer moist heat, so I used a damp washcloth under the heating pad. My favorite pre-session warmup is an extremely hot bath.

Heating by whatever method is a hassle but worth the effort. I feel a much better stretch when I’m thoroughly warmed up. I’ve heated religiously during my best gaining periods. While not evidence of heat speeding progress, only a correlation between heat and good gains, I think it helps.

Cooling with ice at the end while still under tension is fine. See this. I don’t know if it’s more effective than letting the tissues air cool. On occasion I’ve held a cold can of pop against my ligs at the end of the final set, but apart from that I haven’t used active cooling.

>…while swimming an alternate breast stroke and backstroke is a kind of straight out and between the cheeks hang…

Clever integration of swimming and PE. Might want to avoid butterfly. :eek:

That’s funny. Yeah things would really be in motion with the butterfly. But just remember, if you try the backstroke with that string of big red weights dangling down between your butt cheeks, hanging out the legs of your shorts, , be sure no one walks up to the pool because my GF says you can see them a mile away.

I agree moist heat is best. I prefer the heating pad with pumping because I can wrap it around the tube and stick a vibrator to it, but for hanging, the sock works best. Sometimes while hanging straght up with a pulley mounted underneath my desk, toward the end the the last heated set I’ll wrap the sock underneath my dick just below the Bib starter and pull back toward my body making a sharp bend in the tunica, then pull it to the left then to the right, kind of a fulcrum or V hanging I guess. It really stress the hell out of the tunica and actually feels good for some reason. Seems to take some of the pressure off the glands.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Also, you can buy a pair of hunter’s socks at any sporting goods store for about $15.00 They work on batteries, for those who like to PE in places where there is no electricity. They are just the right size to slip over a pumping cylinder. I guess one could PE while hunting, but I find them more convenient for PEing at my local nudist resort.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Swinging weights?

Does anyone swing there weights ?


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