Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging SO?

Originally Posted by TonyThaTyga

Well i’ll see your progress on my log, really wanna try SO but have no cases to study.

Ok, cool. I’m trying to duplicate Longerstretch’s device. I figure I can get a drill, screws, and pulleys from Home Depot. Can’t wait, but for now I’ll just keep using my iron board.

Originally Posted by Schlong7

Ok, cool. I’m trying to duplicate Longerstretch’s device. I figure I can get a drill, screws, and pulleys from Home Depot. Can’t wait, but for now I’ll just keep using my iron board.

Lol, what’ve ya got against layin’ on two tables ha. Jk. Gl bro, eager to track ya cuz I been plannin to do what your doin next.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Originally Posted by TonyThaTyga

Lol, what’ve ya got against layin’ on two tables ha. Jk. Gl bro, eager to track ya cuz I been plannin to do what your doin next.

LOL, Ikr. Thanks. This site is very helpful. I wish I can see pics of the legendary Bigger, or Bib. I just keep getting semi erect on jelqing, so I try to do the best I can. I’ve kind of been looking at the videos on here, very helpful.

why you wanna hang SO ? have you tried to add weight SD and BTC?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by longerstretch
A single pulley doesn’t diminish the weight, only changes the direction of the force. As a lifter I understand wanting to use free weights but I do think the pulley under a desk is the best way to go. Plus you can meditate, multi-task or do whatever while you hang. Since hanging weights usually involves hours per week and the way you’re thinking about setting up would be tedious and complicated to both make any adjustment and monitor your penis; the pulley would be a better option.

I remember you make most of your gains after manuals with a vaccum hanger hanging 11-14lb SO right longerstretch?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92

I remember you make most of your gains after manuals with a vaccum hanger hanging 11-14lb SO right longerstretch?

What are manuals? Manual stretching? I haven’t gotten too much feedback on here about hanging results. How long and how much weght you use ( was the weight the 11-14#’s?) until you started gaining. The reason I’m asking was because I’ve had my extender since 2013, and I’m still only at the .5 inch gain mark. I was real consistent for a yr, but I was living w/ a family member for about a year after that.

I’m talking about longerstretch, he is another member. Manuals are exercises performed with hands. Ullis jekqs stretches squeezes….

In your 1 year extender experience , did you do any other pe exercise? How many hours did you do per day?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92

I’m talking about longerstretch, he is another member. Manuals are exercises performed with hands. Ullis jekqs stretches squeezes….

In your 1 year extender experience , did you do any other pe exercise? How many hours did you do per day?

Not much, because I was wearing it all day as a security guard. I wore a blazer to work, so it was easy to conceal. I wasn’t even wrapping it around my leg to stop it from bulging. Nowadays I do a lot of jelqing and a lot of hotwrapping. So around 11-14#’s I can expect to cement my gains? It’s already becoming boingy though in BPFSL. Similar to when I wore an extender all day. Seems like my EQ is up to par, haven’t really been watching any porn to really tell. Lol.

Originally Posted by donttazemebro
I’ve had this notion for a while that hanging SO like that could be something worth doing. What my idea is would be to have a way to lay flat on your stomach and hang with a light weight, probably with a vac attachment instead of a compression attachment. Doing this for 3-6 hrs a day. The idea is to use gravity and the “pooling” of blood to keep the ding-dong slightly fuller while stretched.

Of course comfort would be something required for this to work. Maybe something like a massage table modified to allow your ding-dong to hang through a hole while you nap?

This would also be more of a “linear” approach using a less (weight) is more so as to be able to safely do it for long periods. Besides it’s a great excuse for a nap!

Man, good idea. Just realized what your name is, funny.

Originally Posted by Schlong7
Man, good idea. Just realized what your name is, funny.

Thanks man.

Thinking about it some more maybe using an ottoman and a comfy couch to do this would work. One could lay down with the hanger attached & hanging between the ottoman & couch. Then as you lay there have a blanket draped over you with something blowing warm air into the covered “hang space” to get the benefit of heat. Maybe a small space heater w/fan using a clothes dryer exhaust duct to channel the warm air in from a safe distance?

Man there’s times I wish I had a massive PE lab so as to test all of these ideas. lol.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

Originally Posted by donttazemebro
Thanks man.

Thinking about it some more maybe using an ottoman and a comfy couch to do this would work. One could lay down with the hanger attached & hanging between the ottoman & couch. Then as you lay there have a blanket draped over you with something blowing warm air into the covered “hang space” to get the benefit of heat. Maybe a small space heater w/fan using a clothes dryer exhaust duct to channel the warm air in from a safe distance?

Man there’s times I wish I had a massive PE lab so as to test all of these ideas. lol.

Ikr. Lol. I’m trying to incorporate heat while I hang. Until then, I’ll always preheat. Is it better to heat while hanging? It just seems like my whole body would get hot.

With the discussion of hanging angles at heel, I assume the concern is the deformation of the suspensory ligaments. I understand this is primarily a natural PE site but for those of us who have already had such surgery, does the hanging angle play such a pivotal role? As there are no ligaments to target.

Originally Posted by Schlong7
Ikr. Lol. I’m trying to incorporate heat while I hang. Until then, I’ll always preheat. Is it better to heat while hanging? It just seems like my whole body would get hot.

Perhaps a sun lamp that could direct more directly where you’d want it to?

you have summited yourself to surgery? How was it? how much have you gained in flaccid and erect length?

I guess you’ve got to target tunica, so upper angles and fulcrums are best.

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by dared3vil

Perhaps a sun lamp that could direct more directly where you’d want it to?

I’m kind of scared of those lamps because of melanoma, but alot of guys on here use IR’s. I guess it’s alright then.


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