Hanging: Weight <->Time: Sore feeling
Hi guys,
yes, I know this subject has been discussed several times. And the word “several” certainly is an understatement. But it would be nice to hear some comments or advices from your side.
I started out, or lets say better I resumed hanging in september with 14 lbs, 14 - 16 hours per week, only SO due to my low (6-7:00) LOT. After 2 weeks, I recognized that I do not become sore any longer. And after 2 further weeks, the sore feeling was almost gone. So, I went up to 16-17 lbs. I really became sore, and I did 40-60 min a day with 17 lbs (rest, ~ 1 1/2 h, was with less weight).
But then I had to take some rest days (10) because my skin was reallly in a bad shape. After that I resumed with 14 - 17 lbs, but I noticed that even with 17 lbs I do not get sore any longer. Means, the tissues of my dick have become very tough during these 10 days off. Consequence: I increased the weight up to 19 - 20 lbs and did kinda shock routine: In the morning and in the evening I hang 2x10min sets with 20 lbs and the rest, ~ 1 1/2 h, with reduced weight, 17-14 lbs.
After having done this for 3 weeks now, I have really difficulties to become sore now. Even with my 20 lbs. To increase the weight seems (and it really is) impossible to me as I am uncut and often get troubles with my skin.
So my question is: Is this normal? I mean the “loss” or soreness? I mean, I do get sore, no question. But first of all, this soreness vanishes very quickly: 2 hours after having accomplished my last set I don’t feel anything no more.
Second: The degree of the sore feeling is much less than during my 17 lbs routine before I had to take off the 10 days.
Third: How can I describe these sore feelings when I hang SO? During the first 2 months of hanging SO I always could feel a sore feeling when I coughed of when I did a sit-up. This is not typical for SO-hanging but more for lig-stretching, isn’t it? Conclusion: Though I hang SO I also worked on my ligs. Maybe no real Tunica work. Maybe I do not detect my LOT correctly. (Stretch out your “man”, flex your PC-muscle, at the point where you get no more tugback when you flex your PC, this is your LOT, right?)
But now, this typical soreness indicating actually lig stretch has gone.
What do I feel now? - Well, when I squeeze my shaft around the pubic bone and in a distance of 1-2 inches away from the pubic bone, I can feel an aching, more or less strong. But after two hours, this aching is gone!! Normal???
Also, when I hang SO, I realize, that when I hit the upper angles by swinging the weight - I hang SO in a little bit uncomfortable way, but this uncomfortable way allows me to hang the full weight without any friction losses due to pulleys of whatever - the aching increases. So I think that I have to work more on the upper angles (> 9:00). But, here if possible at all, the detection of the soreness is difficult. And if present, like mentioned above, it is gone after 2 hours. Behind the balls? Yes, I read this somewhere, but when you squeeze the muscles/tissues there you can always feel an aching, can’t you?
Questions: Would you recommend to hang with less weight for a longer time, as I am not able to stand higher weights? 3-4 hours a day.
Is it normal to loose the sore feeling so quickly?
Should I try to hang BTC also? Because here I noticed even with less weight a good stretch/traction. Maybe because I have not worked on the longer angles at all. Maybe, though I have a low LOT, there is tiny potential.
Guys, I know, lot of text, but I will appreciate any comment.
P.S.: Hanging since september, gains: negative!