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Hard gainer invites suggestions from Bib and all other experienced hangers

Hard gainer invites suggestions from Bib and all other experienced hangers

I’ve had minimal gains (1/8”) since August. Previous gains from jelquing from April thru July were about 3/8”. Right now I’m in the middle of a week long break – reviewing past hanging threads and getting ready to go at it again. Used a homemade hanger in August and a Bib Starter from September. By mid-November I’d worked up to minimum 2 hours hang time, max 10 lbs BTC. I consider November a landmark month because I think I became competent at wrapping – no discoloration, soreness or coldness in the head and I probably averaged 2 ½ hrs daily hang time during the week and an hour per weekend day.

Questions: I get my dick arcs in a semi-u shape when hanging straight down – is that normal or a positioning problem? With 10 lbs hanging on it stretches out to about 5.5”. My flaccid manual stretch is 6.5”. BPEL is 6.25”. Is that normal? Base girth has improved about a ¼”. I also seem to be accomplishing a lot of skin stretch and not feeling too much lig pull. Don’t have that “worked out” soreness akin to squeezing a bicep the day after hitting the gym but I do have to lower hanging weights usually by the 3rd or 4th set. Most of the tenderness accompanying the need to reduce weight seems to be on the skin. I hoping skin stretch and base girth gain are precursors to steady length gains. Recently added Blasters which shorten the time prior to weight reduction. Going to try Jelqtoid’s fulcrum hanging when I resume. Any suggestions from Bib and all other easy or hard gainers would be welcomed.


>Questions: I get my dick arcs in a semi-u shape when hanging straight down – is that normal or a positioning problem?<

I am not sure of what this means. If you mean the hanger is on such that it turns your head up, then you do not have your shaft low enough in the well. If you can, open the hinge up further, and be aware of placment of the shaft when you close it. Or, you may not have the bottom gap wide enough. What is the top gap in relation to the bottom gap? It should be smaller.

>With 10 lbs hanging on it stretches out to about 5.5”. My flaccid manual stretch is 6.5”. BPEL is 6.25”. Is that normal?<

Sure. When I was hanging and getting good gains, my stretched flaccid was almost two inches longer than my erect.

>Base girth has improved about a ¼”. I also seem to be accomplishing a lot of skin stretch and not feeling too much lig pull. Don’t have that “worked out” soreness akin to squeezing a bicep the day after hitting the gym but I do have to lower hanging weights usually by the 3rd or 4th set. Most of the tenderness accompanying the need to reduce weight seems to be on the skin. I hoping skin stretch and base girth gain are precursors to steady length gains. <

This follows the gains issues. Skin is the first limiting factor. Have you noticed significant actual skin stretch? If so, you may have a positioning problem, with the hanger too close to the base, and sliding down toward the head.

>Recently added Blasters which shorten the time prior to weight reduction. Going to try Jelqtoid’s fulcrum hanging when I resume. Any suggestions from Bib and all other easy or hard gainers would be welcomed. <

Please give more information about the skin and what you are feeling. Looks like you have the potential, you just need to get the techniques down.


thanks for your reply

<I am not sure of what this means. If you mean the hanger is on such that it turns your head up, then you do not have your shaft low enough in the well. If you can, open the hinge up further, and be aware of placment of the shaft when you close it. Or, you may not have the bottom gap wide enough. What is the top gap in relation to the bottom gap? It should be smaller.>

Yes the head turns up - my top and bottom gap are about equal. I’ll try your suggestions.

<This follows the gains issues. Skin is the first limiting factor. Have you noticed significant actual skin stretch? If so, you may have a positioning problem, with the hanger too close to the base, and sliding down toward the head.?

Yes - it’s actual skin stretch - at times my flaccid looks like it’s uncut - never did before. Your question implies I need to make the hanger tighter and really stretch my flaccid enough to attach further from the base, but still an inch from the glans. Unfortunately there’s not a lot of leeway to work with, but I’ll try that.

Thanks again for your reply.


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