Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

help me out guys

help me out guys

hi guys.i hope you all are fine.guys when in some kind of doubt all u guys thru your advice have really helped me. got one problem again. guys i have been to pe for past four months. guys my flaccid length has improved my erect lenght has incresed by 0.4 cm. routine consists of 15 mins stretching and 15 mins jelqing.guys i want to ask u about hanging with help of socks. i read a long before in some post about taking a sock and putting 10 -15 coins filling the sock and tying the sock on to your penis. guys does this technique work? should i try this. iam bit scared about hanging weights. moderator sir and other experienced guys please help. will this sock technique work? waiting for replies

Moderator Sir here...

and I am the one that moved your post to this forum in hopes that you will look at all the ideas here. I recommend against the sock idea. The weight you would have to use to get results would require a mighty tight knot around your dick. Seems like it would be difficult to do this in reality anyway. Check out Tom Hubbard’s AFB threads as well as his site for ideas on inexpensive and easy to make hangers. You likely have this stuff lying around your place and may not even have to buy anything. If you do, just take the change out of the sock, put the sock on your foot, and head to Home Depot or the regional equivelent of. Do browse the Hanger’s Forum as many questions you do not yet have will be answered for you as you read. Good luck. Sir groa.

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