Thunder's Place

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Help with wrapping

Help with wrapping

I need some help from some of you who have had success hanging with the Bib hangers. I own both the starter and the original and I am really having problems being able to have a comfortable hang.

I am not a newbie as I have been on this journey since March 22 of 2001. To date I have had modest gains. From 5.85 inches BPEL to 6.40 BPEL and from 6.25 FBPFL to 7.40 BPSL. In the first 6 months I had really good gains probably about .5 inch BPEL and
1 inch FBPSL I think I would attribute these gains to manual stretching and v stretches. In the last 8 months however my gains have really slowed down. I have only gained .15 inches both BPEL and FBPSL. I know it stems from not being able to wrap correctly using the Bib Hangers.

As for wrapping material I have tried theraband, ace bandage, t-shirt material and sweat shirt material. I have tried cloth on bottom theraband on top, theraband on bottom cloth on top. So I feel I have tried almost everything that has been recommended. I have read all of the post Bib and others have made regarding wrapping and either I am the dumbest person on the planet or something is just not clicking. As for the hanger I have tried very tight, toe in - toe out, different gap spacing with the bottom and top gap(the top portion with the teeth very close, further apart etc.) I have tried different placements of the shaft in the hanger well.

There is just not any way for me go above 12 pounds for a hanging session and have a comfortable hang using the guidelines Bib gives about the hanger positioning in regards to the glans. If I try .75 to 1 inch from the glans the hanger ends up slipping or just causing too much pressure in the head. I know the hanger has worked for others here and I know it would for me if I could just figure out how to hang comfortably. How have you guys that are hanging 20 pounds and up doing this? I really need some help here.

Presently the only way I can hang above 12 pounds and bear it is too wrap almost 1.75 to 2.25 inches from the head and then pull very hard on the loose skin under the wrap towards the base. This stress I feel seems to be more on the ligs than the burning of skin pull, but I don’t want to keep doing this is this is the wrong way. Has anyone here had success with the hanger being positioned more toward the base?

I also have a question on the stress I should feel. I experience 2 kinds of stress. This is hard to explain so bear with me. The first seems ‘thick’, like not only the ligs are being stressed but also the inner structures of the shaft near the base. The second is ‘thinner’ it almost seems like I only feel the stress in the ligaments. Does this make sense to anyone? If it does what is the stress that I should striving for. The most frustrating thing for me is that I almost never am really sore in the lig area after a day of hanging. This is even after sessions of up to 20 pounds.

Hope someone can help.

Long time, little gains

I’m in the same boat regarding gains since last August, , mate, but I have tried moving the Bib back towards the base, and feel much more of a lig stretch now, and even had to back off the weight after starting with maybe 15 lbs.

I’m using toe out, maybe 1/4 inch with the front adjustment screw, and 1/16 out ith the back one. Do you undo the bottom wingnuts and do up each time you attach?

I have also just bought a new length of Theraband, which I apply over the top of sweatshirt wrap. I’m actually currently using the knitted part from the very bottom of the sweatshirt as my wrap. It’s good because it’s a bit stretchy.

New Theraband is about 1.3 metres long, whereas old Thera was only 1/2 Metre, and there is more now to wrap down to near the base of my dick—- maybe to within 1 inch of the base— just where the hair starts. That’s roughly where I attach the Bib. ( I vary it a bit, —-second half hour set maybe 1/2 inch—or maybe 1 cm further towards the glans

The toe out enables the hanger to grasp the dick low down, and seems to minimize blood blisters on the glans, uncomfortable feelings at the glans etc. Wrapping just a little looser near the head enables the wrap to come forward over the head while hanging and support the (is it the frenum???) the skin part under the head, which can get bloated and sore during hanging if not supported.

Maybe others can let us know of their experiences.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Heavy hanging

I have just recently gone up to 20lbs, but I nearly always have to lower weight before I reach the end of the 1st session.

It doesn’t seem to matter how much I wrap, where I place the BIB, or how tight I place it on (not forgetting changes toeing in and out), the hanger always slips down to rest behind the head. However, I always make sure it never goes over the rim or touches the part right behind the glan. Maybe theraband would make a difference, but I seem to hang OK as I do.

I do get a little puffy, and there is a fold of skin around the glan when I take the hanger off, but I don’t see how this could be avoided. After all, we are talking about 20lbs.

Yesterday I hung 20 lbs (slowly reducing), and today it was a little uncomfortable with 10lbs. Not in the ligs, I felt too much pressure on the glans. So I’m sitting here with only 5.5lbs which I can’t reallly feel but an extra 2 kgs is where the discomfort comes in.

Some days just don’t give for more. I do not force myself to use the same weight as every day, I do not want an injury.I have tried wrapping and unwrapping a few times, but the ol fellow is sore from previous days I suppose.

I suggest you stay at 12lbs for now, try increasing (towards the end of the set, where the hanger is fixed in place) a 1/2 lb or so.

Perhaps, and this is something which has crossed my mind many a time, my flaccid is just too thin sometimes to hang. I always seem to have better sessions when I’m having a better flaccid day. And jelqing/squeezing lightly before doesn’t seem to alter the problem.


Similar problems here. Stopped using BibH until I figure things out.

What happens is that even with 8 lbs, the hanger, wrap, and shaft skin assembly slides toward the head. When it gets there, the wrap and skin start folding and the skin is severely pinched between the folds and can turn black.

The only successful hang I’ve had with the Bib was when I wrapped from the base forward to the head. Weight applied to the hanger went straight to the ligaments, and there was no sliding.

I’ve never been able to duplicate that wrap and am going to get some thicker Theraband in hope that it won’t fold over so easily.


More Thoughts...

Wrapping exactly —- as per my interpretation of— the drawings -ie fairly tight onto the shaft also gave me a great improvement, as did using longer Theraband which gives me a few more turns at the base for a better grip on to the shaft.

The slightly looser wrap at the head is a god-send, becuase the wrap (but not the hanger) can slide over the head and protects it by supporting it against the internal blood pressure..

Also waiting for dick to be “all but” flaccid, before wrapping and pulling forward to squeeze remaining blood out of glans while doing up the wing nuts.

It’s easy to get a bit slack with all or some of of these things, and a real nuisance when you have to stop and re do part of the process…..

Have you guys tried going up incrementally with the toe out— so that you are clamping more on the base of the dick??

The combination of more wrap at the base and toe out seems to stop the whole thing moving forward.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

P9, Guiri and Tex3

Thanks guys for the replies. It’s good to know that I am not the only one out there that is thinking ‘How the F*** do these people hang 20 pounds?’.

P9 wrote
<I’m using toe out, maybe 1/4 inch with the front adjustment screw, and 1/16 out ith the back one. Do you undo the bottom wingnuts and do up each time you attach?>

I have tried toe in toe out. I still have not found the magic setting, but I will keep trying.

p9 wrote:
<The toe out enables the hanger to grasp the dick low down, and seems to minimize blood blisters on the glans, uncomfortable feelings at the glans etc. Wrapping just a little looser near the head enables the wrap to come forward over the head while hanging and support the (is it the frenum???) the skin part under the head, which can get bloated and sore during hanging if not supported.>

I am gonna try this again. Right now I have two ways that I wrap. The first is like you are doing closer to the base. I have to make sure to pull all the excess skin from out of the bottom of the wrap so I don’t get terrible skin pull. I still don’t know about
the stress I am feeling though. I can’t really tell if it is more skin pull or lig stress. The other way I wrap is by grabbing with an OK grip very close to the glans and then pull forward. This ends up causing some skin to override head. I then with my other hand
begin to wrap as close to the hand that is pulling the skin over the head as i can. I find the pressure in the head is not as much this way, but I do end up with that bubble blister you talk about. I will try to wrap a lot looser at the head and see what happens.

Guiri wrote:
<I do get a little puffy, and there is a fold of skin around the glan when I take the hanger off, but I don’t see how this could be avoided. After all, we are talking about 20lbs.>

You might be right here, maybe that puffiness is unavoidable at higher poundage. It always goes away be the next morning so maybe I should just deal with it.

Guiri wrote:
<Perhaps, and this is something which has crossed my mind many a time, my flaccid is just too thin sometimes to hang. I always seem to have better sessions when I’m having a better
flaccid day. And jelqing/squeezing lightly before doesn’t seem to alter the problem.>

Bingo. I have the same thoughts on this. I think it is mostly the lack of girth of my flacid on a bad flacid girth day that causes some uncomfort. My flaccid length has greatly improved from about 2 to 4 to 4.5 inches but the girth varies. I too thought that maybe if I could just get some blood in the head on these thin flaccid days that it might help. Trying this however usually seems to put too much pressure on my glans.

Tex3 wrote
<What happens is that even with 8 lbs, the hanger, wrap, and shaft skin assembly slides toward the head. When it gets there, the wrap and skin start folding and the skin is severely pinched between the folds and can turn black>

This happens to me too. It doesn’t seem to matter if I make the hanger super tight either.

Tex3 wrote:
<The only successful hang I’ve had with the Bib was when I wrapped from the base forwardto the head. Weight applied to the hanger went straight to the ligaments, and there was no sliding.>

This is how I was wrapping when I had made a home made bib. Unfortunately I can probably take out lightbulbs or tighten hex bolts and that is about the extent of my mechanical talents, so my home made bib pretty much sucked. Also I knew less about how to attach the hanger at that time then I do now. I might try this again too.

Thanks guys for the replies
Hope our discussions will enable us to get on track to solid gains



It sounds as if you all are not tightening enough. If you need more girth, wrap a little more. If you are using regulars and think you could use a Starter, email me before I quit making them.

Don’t suffer with the things for a long time. Let someone know and we can get it fixed.



I don’t know if this would be the answer to my problem. I reiterate that I normally do not experience ANY discomfort whatsoever, and any puffiness I have goes away in a matter of seconds. I tighten the hanger VERY tightly (perhaps too much, to the max), and at times have used ridiculous amounts of wrap to try to have a thicker ‘thing’ to work with. Actually made things worse.

I am very happy with my progress, hanging is very enjoyable, and if I were to be experiencing serious difficulties I would have bought some theraband or changed wrap as a first measure. Maybe this is my next step.

Again, the discomfort I experienced last night was due to hanging time…and perhaps overuse the night before ;) …nothing a rest day won’t fix.


Originally Posted by Tex3
Similar problems here. Stopped using BibH until I figure things out.

What happens is that even with 8 lbs, the hanger, wrap, and shaft skin assembly slides toward the head. When it gets there, the wrap and skin start folding and the skin is severely pinched between the folds and can turn black.

The only successful hang I’ve had with the Bib was when I wrapped from the base forward to the head. Weight applied to the hanger went straight to the ligaments, and there was no sliding.

I’ve never been able to duplicate that wrap and am going to get some thicker Theraband in hope that it won’t fold over so easily.


Has anyone else wrapped like this with good results?

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