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Hey Bib, Erection angle questions...

Hey Bib, Erection angle questions...

It seems the suspensory ligs must regulate our erection angle. It also seems logical that lengthening these ligs would impact our erection angle, lowering it the more successful our pe program.

I’m curious what your erection angle was pre-pe, if and how it’s changed, and assuming it’s lowered, has it had any impact on your ability to put pressure on the upper vaginal wall during missionary penetration…


Been a while since I went over this.

> It seems the suspensory ligs must regulate our erection angle. It also seems logical that lengthening these ligs would impact our erection angle, lowering it the more successful our pe program.<

I agree with that.

>I’m curious what your erection angle was pre-pe, if and how it’s changed, and assuming it’s lowered, has it had any impact on your ability to put pressure on the upper vaginal wall during missionary penetration… <

Before PE, my penis stuck up even flaccid. Retracted to nothing, or maybe one inch, then with erection, simply extended straight up. Now, it is consistantly at 9:00. Much of that is simply gravity coupled with varying levels of erection.

PrePE, I could not put pressure anywhere within the vagina. It was honestly like a BB in a washtub. Now, I put pressure everywhere equally. A lot of pressure/friction.

IMO, erection angle is way overrated, if rated at all. I see no benefit to a high erection angle personally. As I have said before, I would rather have a large one pointing out, than a small one pointing up.


That’s where I was getting at, a hard erection angle was necessary to put alot of pressure on the g-spot and so forth. It makes sense that when you are big enough, it’s all getting massaged no matter what the angle :)

Thanks for your prompt reply. This used to worry me alot, I’ll let it go now. In fact, It seems that I can fatigue my ligs by manual stretching btc and otl, but I’ve been hestitant to pull straight out as I didn’t want to hinder erection angle. Now when I pull straight out, it doesn’t feel like I can get a stretch at all. Does this suggest that I need to hit straight out until I can feel it like I do the other directions?


>In fact, It seems that I can fatigue my ligs by manual stretching btc and otl, but I’ve been hestitant to pull straight out as I didn’t want to hinder erection angle. <

BTC will affect erection angle faster and more than SO.

>Now when I pull straight out, it doesn’t feel like I can get a stretch at all. Does this suggest that I need to hit straight out until I can feel it like I do the other directions? <

Probably not. It either means the tissues affected by SO are already past the other limiting factors, or you are not exerting enough stress. If you have other angles that are giving you a better stretch, more fatigue, then those are probably the angles you need to hit.


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