Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How is everybody

How is everybody

Hello bros!

I just felt the need to come here again for asking, if you guys are gaining good, and to say that quitting PE was the best thing I did in my whole life. Right now I’m 3 months off and it feels great!!

My new hobby, bird eating spiders, is running very good. Now I’ve got 23 Bird-spiders, all females, and I feel soooo good, I can’t tell you how. Last week I started to hang again (I thought that I would start again) but just 2 days after I finally through the hanger in the dustbin, something I should have done long time before. I simply can’t explain, why I kept this thing after my official quitting. This stupid thing did cost so much of my time. PE is the biggest loss of time in the universe.
It’s much easier with Bodybuilding. After ten years I simply stuck with benching 142,5 kg. Then steroids and I got stronger again. Now 185 kg benching.

Further I don’t care about Penis size anymore, due to the fact, that girls are now avoiding me much more than ever before, because of my bird-spiders X-D

My advice to everybody who is PEing for years without gains. Stop this stupid shit. After you left, you are born again. This feeling is unbelievable ;-)


Yours Lost

Last edited by lost Guitar : 05-28-2006 at .

Hey lost!

Glad to hear those creeps have found a loving home, and you’re pleased with your hobby.

I was on a 1.5 year break, and I hear you on the PE bashing; the downsides are always there. It’s the mental BS of it that’s nagging enough even when I’m gaining.

So, I take it you’re not showing up at my PE tool garage sale when I’m done?

rm (formerly know as Ideal)

I just don’t feel right if I don’t have something strapped to my dick. I’ve just finished a 3-month deconditioning break and it feels like I’ve come home— I think I may PE forever. 12 by 10 anyone?

Maybe I’ll try to outstretch Jonah Falcon and be the first PE superstar.

—-I just don’t feel right if I don’t have something strapped to my dick—-

Well, good for you. But for me years without gain woke me up ..


You might be the classic case of trying too hard. 35kg? Maybe you didn’t get longer, but you sure did get tougher.

lost— apologies— I wasn’t trying to gloat (more of a comment on the state of my mind than anything else). If it sounded like I was boasting I didn’t mean it that way (but I just re-read it and it looked a little like that) — I can be a little self-absorbed sometimes— apologies.

Have you tried a more gentle approach? Have you tried ADS to take advantage of cell-production through traction? I’d recommend an autoextender.

@Mr. Fantastic:

—-Lost— apologies— I wasn’t trying to gloat (more of a comment on the state of my mind than anything else). If it sounded like I was boasting I didn’t mean it that way (but I just re-read it and it looked a little like that) — I can be a little self-absorbed sometimes— apologies —-

Wow, I didn’t see that it looked like you where trying to gloat. No problem bro! :) I’m just fascinated that you still persist ..

I tried:

- EVERY manual routine shown on this homepage
- Newbeeroutine
- Short (long//extrem//long) hang times with light (moderate//heavy//extrem heavy) weight .. Then combined with ADS (Penimaster, golf weights, traction wrap) even over night
- SO, SD, BTC, OTS, OTL, and every fullcrumposition (up, down, left, right)
- Mem’s manual workout, which seemed to help a lot of people :(
- Pumping .. Later in combination with hanging and jelqing .. Then with manuals only
- Sporadic hanging .. Sporadic manuals
- Uli’s Jelqing only (short time, long time)

Always with warming up, warming down and heat during hanging
Dunno, maybe I forgot something to add ..
Between the switching to the next type of routine, I always took some time of deconditioning ..



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