Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How many hours a day to ADS when hanging?


I agree with meatplow….. and add that it’s the same at night. I wake up every 3 hours or so anyway (always been that way) and I give it a check, but you know what, I’ve never had anything I would have needed to take a break from… everything always looks perfect..and when I take it off, I fall out all nice and plumpy and long. I’m telling you, it’s the easiest 6-8 hours of stretch you will ever get.

Man I’ve been wearing the hard red sleeve from the Xautosleeve all day in between hanging and bathmate… I don’t know it if does any good, but I love the way it feels. And I even went swimming with it on and the only side effect is that it looks like i have a 7” flaccid penis! h ah ahha The cap for the autoXtender is very small and look about the same size as a normal head, even my wife thought it was me last night when we were pressed up next to eachother…

Sounds like your getting some great use out of that sleeve skeptic. I have the red one also, that one is pretty constricting. Did you cut yours to length so that it fully unrolls at the base and helps to push outward? I avoided cutting mine down for awhile and was just sinking the cap into it and folding the excess over the cap. I did cut it down the other day though and I’m using the cutoff piece for my hanging wrap. It’s the best wrap configuration I’ve had yet. So I am definitely getting some use out of them.

If I could I would use a more aggressive ADS, something tied to the leg for a little more pull, however it’s just not conducive to my work. I believe they are doing some good though, It keeps me stretched out at least, and I don’t think there’s any simpler or effective way to do that than roll one on. I did have the soft one fall off at work today, haha first time that happened. I managed to trap it against my leg before it hit the ground and avoided an awkward situation. Tell me that’s not a nightmare! I used to wear golf weights and that sixth one was always itching to come off. I had some close calls with those!

On a side note, ain’t that a bitch waking up every 3 hours skeptical one? I like checking out for a good 9 when I can.

Dino, your belief sits on firm scientific fundaments.

Erections at night are in fact the basis of penile health. They supply the corpora cavernosa with oxygen, thus minimizing apoptosis (=cell suicide) of smooth muscle in the penis and avoiding fibrosis of the corpora, both of which are our worst enemies because apoptosis + fibrosis = shrinkage. Beware!

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Use the ADS whenever you can the more the better. I’m not a believer in wearing any device during sleep I’m a firm believer that night time erections are very healthy for the penis and I don’t want to limit them.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by meatplow
Sounds like your getting some great use out of that sleeve skeptic. I have the red one also, that one is pretty constricting. Did you cut yours to length so that it fully unrolls at the base and helps to push outward? I avoided cutting mine down for awhile and was just sinking the cap into it and folding the excess over the cap. I did cut it down the other day though and I’m using the cutoff piece for my hanging wrap. It’s the best wrap configuration I’ve had yet. So I am definitely getting some use out of them.

If I could I would use a more aggressive ADS, something tied to the leg for a little more pull, however it’s just not conducive to my work. I believe they are doing some good though, It keeps me stretched out at least, and I don’t think there’s any simpler or effective way to do that than roll one on. I did have the soft one fall off at work today, haha first time that happened. I managed to trap it against my leg before it hit the ground and avoided an awkward situation. Tell me that’s not a nightmare! I used to wear golf weights and that sixth one was always itching to come off. I had some close calls with those!

On a side note, ain’t that a bitch waking up every 3 hours skeptical one? I like checking out for a good 9 when I can.


I did cut mine down as soon as I got it, but it presses right up against my pelvis to push me out, but i now walk around all day with 2 lbs of fishing sinkers (2X 16 oz) hanging off the end…it is great.

I do wear the leg attachment at night with the bungee chord, it actually pulls (feels) tighter than with the 2 lbs., but not as much as hanging 10 lbs.

I don’t have to try to wake up every three hours…I have never really slept that well. Plus I have a big protien shake before bed and have to wake up to take a leak twice during the night anyway.

I wish I could sleep all through the night, as a matter of fact, I actually lengthened the bungee chord about an inch to reduce the tension just a bit so it doesn’t hurt when I really stretch my leg out (as that has woken me up before)..

I agree with your logic though as far as when you can’t wear any weights, just use the sleeve with the cap and walk around all day with your penis (not stretched) but extended fully. can’t be bad for growth. I wore it like that Saturday….went to my son’s football game, went shopping, out to eat…etc.. all with the penis I hope to have in the future…ha ha a (well, that’s what it feels like with the sleeve on (extra girth, but becuase it’s silicone and soft, when I feel it over my shorts, it feels just like me only bigger) and the length flaccid is about 2 inches more than it would be if I didn’t wear it! So if nothing else, it is very motivational.

Originally Posted by skepticalOne

I agree with your logic though as far as when you can’t wear any weights, just use the sleeve with the cap and walk around all day with your penis (not stretched) but extended fully. Can’t be bad for growth. I wore it like that Saturday.went to my son’s football game, went shopping, out to eat.etc.. All with the penis I hope to have in the future.ha ha a (well, that’s what it feels like with the sleeve on (extra girth, but becuase it’s silicone and soft, when I feel it over my shorts, it feels just like me only bigger) and the length flaccid is about 2 inches more than it would be if I didn’t wear it! So if nothing else, it is very motivational.

Motivation is definitely key in this game. I’m excited about my future size as well. It has taken me many years to come to the place I am now in my PE. Several key factors have all come together for me recently, Time, privacy, education, equipment, and of course motivation to be consistent. This past month was a real breakthrough, I actually enjoyed hanging 2 hours a day, end that with 15-20 min of jelqs and bends, and ADS with the sleeve is barely a hassle. It’s finally working and I’m growing. I swear it’s like the planets have aligned for me to have a chance to put in the work and get what I have always wanted, A BIG DICK for the hunnies. Damm shame I lost all my hair a long time ago, haha. It’s always something it seems. I wouldn’t be surprised if the day I reach 8 by 6 I get laid off from work.

I wish i would lose the hair around my shaft! h ah ahhahaa (you said you lost all your hair and it just made me think of that). It seems like hanging it pulling my skin from my pelvis out onto my shaft and so instead of just having a little hair to shave, it’s like shaving a jungle off my shaft now…seems like the extenders push the skin back, but then they are so weak compared to hanging..

Anyway, I bought some nair (sensitive) to try so at least I don’t have to do it every day with my electric shaver.

As far as hanging comfort, even though my skin hurts like crazy when I first start my hanging sessions, after a few minutes I’m very comfortable and I actually work with my keyboard on my lap, legs propped up on the desk and the time seems to fly by…but now that I’m at 12 lbs and really even at 10 lbs, I couldn’t go past three consecutive 20 minutes sessions… the fatigue is almost to the point of failure!

I suppose I could go lower in weight like your supposed to, maybe I’ll try that today…

Let me know how that nair sensitive works out, I’ve always thought it was a no no to use down there. I’m sick of plucking! Shaving every day causes too much irritation for me. I use to have it waxed and it was the best, it lasts awhile at least, but it got expensive, and you have to wait for it to grow out to do it again because the hairs have to be at least a 1/4 in. Recently I tried to wax it myself, [this is only for the brave] lets just say I built up alot of character that day, and it didn’t turn out that clean. I would have done it better if I had a third hand, or a tail would be nice. Think how much easier wrapping would be! :D

Skeptical one have you tried wrapping your balls while hanging? This is suppose to stretch more bottom shaft skin instead of the scrotum [and it’s hairs] being pulled further up the bottom of the shaft. That’s what I do, about every other set or so.


I hadn’t thought of it for that purpose, so I haven’t done it, but today I’ll give it a try. Actually I’ve got a couple of those cable clamps (i.e., BigGirtha recommended)… maybe I can just thrown a cable clamp on real qick…anyway, I’ll give something a try today.


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