Originally Posted by LookingForSize
I would bet, your not cut!
I have seen that people who are not cut have trouble hanging. You got all that extra shit in the way, I guess.It seems to depend on the design of your dick, to. Some people have a very small head on there unit, some, its more pronounced. I think people that have an odd shaped penis, with a very small head, attatching a hanger could be a problem. I have no problem hanging 15-20 pounds for 30 min. I mean the glands get a little cool and a little blue, but nothing that doesnt straighten right out with a little messaging.
I use the Redi-Stretcher from TPS. It seems to work awesome.
I believe no matter what, if you have a very small head, its gonna be a problem. Maybe someone with very small glands, thats a hanger, will help.
You are right, I am uncut.
Today (actually right now) I am hanging with 5kg, but I have to put the fore skin on the glands, that is the only way i can hang 5kg.
This is of course stretching the skin also, but i want to keep the skin so it is ok for me.