Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

If anyone could clear a few things up for me please.


Originally Posted by kimc
Hi folks, I’m trying to get things sorted and iv been wondering about a few things so if anyone could help or give there opinion please.

1.Does anyone use a pyramid type system when hanging? Or just the same weight for the desired time?
5lbs/20 minutes
7.5lbs/20 minutes
10lbs/20 minutes

2.What can I use to hang straight out? I always sit at my desk when hanging BTC because I can watch movies and show on my computer which passes the time, so I could do it somehow on my desk that would be great. can I v stretch hang? I read that someone used a rice sock I think. So would I sit as if I was trying to hang BTC put using a rice sock or some other device?

4.I just ordered a IR lamp, Do I heat up the whole penis or just near the ligs? How far away and how long do I use it?

Thanks guys.

1. The only way I could see using a pyramid system is if (like me) you need to warm up before you hang your max weight for the day. I find when I wake up I can’t just hang right away at the max weight, and my best guess is that it’s from lymph buildup or dissipation from the night before. After a set or two at a reduced weight, my penis is usually ready to go back to max weight. After that, there’d be no need to pyramid anything. Always hang as much as you can safely, until fatigue sets in and you need to reduce.

2. You can have the hanger skids resting on the seat and just drape the weight over the front of the chair. This is easiest for me. Of course you’ll get some drag on the hanger so 10lbs might actually be more like 7 or 6. Also, I’ve used a chair and bungee. Just set up the chair, drape a bungee over it, attach weight, and attach the bungee to the hanger. Intense fatigue this way.

3. It’s called an RSDT, please check out the member pics section, I know I posted a few of mine up there. What makes you think you want to RSDT hang?

4. Keep it about 3 ft away from your dick and just let it heat the whole area slowly. I’d recommend taking it away half way thru the set.

Anything else you need to know, please ask.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Cheers again lostracco just found RSDT Fulcrum Pictures

4. So I can leave it on while hanging? I thought I was just suppose to do it before?


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