Originally Posted by jb560
While I’ll agree that stretching the ligs does not contribute to EL gains, We do know that the lengthening procedure which is done surgically cuts the suspensory ligaments allowing more of the penis to come forward out the body. While you are not increasing your actual EL, you are allowing more of what you already have to be utilized outside the body. So by stretching the ligs an actual increase in EL would not occur, but by allowing more of the "inner penis" to come out would be seen as EL gains in the eye of the beholder.Therefore I’ll give it a go.
I’m not sure I have understood what you are saying bro, anyway, if this EL gain is ‘apparent’, it is reached through a change in erection angle, the sole thing cutting ligs can achieve; there isn’t any objective large report of the outcomes of this kind of technique, according to the few indipendent doctors who have looked at the data it can give no more than 1/4" in EL on average; it will give gains in flaccid length because the penis hangs lower - curiously, it seems this is what many patients are mostly interested in.
Penis lengthening surgery is considered experimental at the best, if not openly considered pretty much a fraud, by all the vaguely serious medical associations that have publicly spoken about.
This piece is just an example:
"Penile Enlargement surgery - fact or fiction?
Yoram Vardi* and Lior Lowenstein
…….Another technique involves release
of the suspensory ligament, a very controversial
procedure in which the suspensory ligament of
the penis is detached from the symphisis pubis
and both corpora are advanced by traction of
the penis using various methodologies, such as
vacuum devices, weights, or specialized trac-
tion devices. It is important to emphasize that
the release of the suspensory ligament does
not itself cause length gain.
Unfortunately no reliable data are available
regarding the criteria for success or complica-
tion rates of these techniques. A few reports indi-
cate that release of the suspensory ligament can
decrease the angle of elevation of the erect penis.7
A few reports indicate that release of the suspensory ligament can
decrease the angle of elevation of the erect penis.
Paradoxical penile shortening can also occur, as
a result of spontaneous reattachment of the liga-
ment to the pubis bone.
[size =-1]
Y Vardi is Director
and L Lowenstein a
Fellow at the Neuro-
Urology and Male
Sexual Dysfunction
Unit at Rambam
Medical Center.
The authors are also
based at the Technion
Faculty of Medicine
in Haifa, Israel.[/size]"
http://www.read cube.com/articl … 1038/ncpuro0120
I will get the opportunity to add here some anatomy infos :
crus of penis
Type: Term
1. the posterior, tapering portion of the corpus cavernosum penis that diverges from its contralateral partner to be attached to the ischiopubic ramus."
See also the pics.