Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




Mostly BTC, some SO. Usually 2 hours or more/day, 4-5 days/week.

Interesting thread. I wonder how much people usually gain from hanging AFTER newbie gains. For example, Piet gained some 1.2” manually, then another 0.6” from hanging (see other threads).

I also got a quick 1.2” manually, and I started hanging with light weights very recently. I’m hoping for post-newbie gains.


Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

I gained 1 inch in 3 months of hanging and jelqing combined, 6 years ago

Well no one seems to be paying attention to my posts but I will update you all anyway - I figured out the problem that made my skin look so bad. I tubing I used to make my hanger did not have a big enough interior diameter - so instead of the sides overlapping when I tightened it, they pinched on my skin. I am using a lotion with Lidocaine in it to help with the discomfort so I did not notice the pinching.

Anyway I have made another hanger - bigger - and it works better - but I need to be better at wrapping. Simple as that. I love hanging - it hurts but I see such potential.

I DON’t WANT TO SOUND LIKE AN INSAINOPATH, BUT HAS ANYONE EVER TRIED TO CUT HIS OWN LIGS? I am not encouraging it - I am just curious- I mean I can feel them right under the surface when I hang. They’re right there!


When I used to hang, I used cloth wrap with theraband on top of it and didn’t get a lot of discomfort.

And no I certainly have never tried to cut my own ligs, but if you don’t value having a working dick I would say go for it.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

Hey cecil,

Got that, cecil?

I don’t mean it like that, man. But really, upper caps is bad form; particularly for communicating bad ideas.

Well I’m a Doctor so I was just thinking I could do this procedure myself. Yeah - I know - Doctor or not - still stupid idea. I never said I’d do it - just that I was thinking about it.about how Id do it. .But I wouldn’t. Seriously dudes, don’t worry about my ligs. I won’t lay a knife to em.


Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Hey cecil,

You sound like an “insainopath”. Stupid idea. Do a search as this isn’t an original stupid idea, others have had the same stupid idea before you. Still a stupid idea though.

Damn right… do these people not think about the blood loss? How would they control that? lol.

Originally Posted by cecil
Well I’m a Doctor so I was just thinking I could do this procedure myself. Yeah - I know - Doctor or not - still stupid idea. I never said I’d do it - just that I was thinking about it.about how Id do it. .But I wouldn’t. Seriously dudes, don’t worry about my ligs. I won’t lay a knife to em.

No offence, but if you are a doctor then can you tell me your name - that way I can make sure that I never come to see you when I have a problem!

With a good daily session of hanging ( 4 sessions of 15 minutes each) you can expect like a 1/16” to 1/8” per month, so, I say, worst case scenario, you’ll get 1 inch in one year. Sounds like a lot of time, but trust me, its worth it ;)


So, you watch that episode of Nip/Tuck where Matt cut himself trying to get a circumcision, uh? that was a good one, right? “Remember to drink a glass of wine before you cut your ligs , so you will be relax, and focus on it, dont worry, I have done it myself…” :D
Lets all be mature on what we post around, I know, I know, no one is putting a gun on their heads to try this or try that, put closing with a “Im a doctor” BS, I mean, come on… dont you dare to insult our intelligence.

Originally Posted by cecil
Well I’m a Doctor so I was just thinking I could do this procedure myself. Yeah - I know - Doctor or not - still stupid idea. I never said I’d do it - just that I was thinking about it.about how Id do it. .But I wouldn’t. Seriously dudes, don’t worry about my ligs. I won’t lay a knife to em.

LOL you have to be kidding? I hope. Your an MD= Mountain Doctor


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