Thunder's Place

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Internal Structures...Bib?


Internal Structures...Bib?

I’ve been using an AFB-like Hanger for some time but there are some things not clear to me till now.

How can I tell (or feel) if I’m really stretching the tunica and/or ligs and not just the skin when hanging?

When I see the wrapping and hanging pics of SWM I realize that a lot of skin is moved forward when he starts pulling on the hanger.

Should he better attach the hanger more downwards so that the skin only moves a little bit and then stops when the hanger reaches the head?

Should the sides of the hanger “rest” on the head when the weight is on?

Thanks in advance.

Skin stretch will feel like an Indian Burn as your flesh is literally splitting apart and growing. Hitting anything else will give you a completly different feel like it is tired. You will know if your hitting the tunica by what angle your hanging at. The higher the better. So OTS is a tunica getting exercise. BTC is running on the ligs.

Some questions are universal and this page may help you out. http://www.bibh … look for the product guide but read the whole site with the commonly asked questions too.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


>How can I tell (or feel) if I’m really stretching the tunica and/or ligs and not just the skin when hanging?<

Twat hit this one really good. You will have to stretch skin if you want to grow. However, you do not want to only stretch skin all the time. When you are hitting the internal structures, you will feel almost like the area has been through an intense weight lifting workout. Sore and tired.

>When I see the wrapping and hanging pics of SWM I realize that a lot of skin is moved forward when he starts pulling on the hanger. <

You are correct. In those pics, SWM happens to have the hanger fairly well toward the base. I believe he said he was working on skin stretch at the time. I hung like that quite a bit, not only for skin stretch for growth, but also to ‘regrow’ my foreskin.

>Should he better attach the hanger more downwards so that the skin only moves a little bit and then stops when the hanger reaches the head?<

That would be the ticket for internal structure stretching; the tunica, ligs, and inner soft tissues; urethra, smooth muscle, nerves blood vessels. But once again, the skin is the first limiting factor. You have to stretch it somewhat before you can hit the inner structures.

>Should the sides of the hanger “rest” on the head when the weight is on? <

You want each side of the hanger to anchor on the shoulders behind each side of the head. Avoid any pressure on top behind the head.


twatt, I read through the Bib-site and it contains some good info and FaQ. Actually, I read it a long time ago and totally forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me.

Bib, I admire your professional way of answering the hanging questions. I always look forward to reading them, you’re a great supporter.

But I have 1 last question:

In the wrapping drawings last pic you wrote “the hanger should stay well away from the head” while the weight is applied. How can it stay away from the head and in the same time anchor on the side shoulders of the head??




I probably should have said coronal ridge instead of head. If someone can come up with a better term or description of ‘shoulders’ of the head, I would appreciate it.

Probably the bet thing to say is, the hanger should not ride over the head. When the weight is applied, it should be behind the coronal ridge. The ridge may be covered by foreskin or wrap, but it should be well outside of the hanger.

Is that better?


I’m not sure I got it.

The coronal ridge Is it the edge at the end of the glans, after it the shaft starts….correct?

So if it is, the hanger would be attached about one inch away from the head and as weight is applied the skin will move forward until the sides of the hanger reach this ridge and cannot go further and hence rest on it the upper side of this ridge and not go beyond it.
Is this right?

Sorry that I ask so detailed questions but I want to hang correctly from the beginning, not after some month of hanging without gains.

Hanging is my last chance. I tried almost everything and didn’t gain till now(shit, that’s almost 20 month now).

Thanks for your help.


Originally posted by Bib

If someone can come up with a better term or description of 'shoulders' of the head, I would appreciate it.

How about “bell-end”.
With the universally accepted parlance for glans being “head”, it might help to break the “head” into two parts:
The “dome” (the glans/meatus)
The “bell-end” (coronal ridge/shoulders)
This way, “head” could be broken down into “bell-end” and “dome” when the need presents itself.

Since this confusion seems to plague hangers more than most, maybe a PG-rated anatomical illustration labeled as such could be posted in he hangers forum. Then, in cases like this you or anyone else could simply paste a ‘url’ to that thread and end the confusion.

I would be willing to provide the labeled illustration if and when it is decided what would be an acceptable name(s). “Shoulders” is too vague and confuses, you’re right.
The only other I come up with is “gills” in place of ‘shoulders’ but that has the potential to make matters worse. In short— it sucks.
I propose “bell-end” and “dome”.
Any other ideas?



Let me apologize. I don’t mean to hi-jack your thread with this terminology issue. If anyone thinks this matter is worth its own thread, then we can do it that way.

Bib addressing 5.5’s problem is the first priority here.

Sorry 5.



>The coronal ridge Is it the edge at the end of the glans, after it the shaft starts….correct? <

I think we are on the same page. It is the usually darker, thick ring around the base of the head.

>So if it is, the hanger would be attached about one inch away from the head and as weight is applied the skin will move forward until the sides of the hanger reach this ridge and cannot go further and hence rest on it the upper side of this ridge and not go beyond it.
Is this right?<

Not really. From an inch behind the head, as the weight is applied, the hanger moves down, but it has grasped, and bunches the internal structures in front of it, and never actually comes in contact with the coronal ridge. These bunched internal structures of the shaft are what I call the shoulders.

>Sorry that I ask so detailed questions but I want to hang correctly from the beginning, not after some month of hanging without gains. <

No problem.

>Hanging is my last chance. I tried almost everything and didn’t gain till now(shit, that’s almost 20 month now). <

Just look at what SS4 has done with hanging after 3 years 4 months. Don’t lose hope.


As far as the head goes, it might be best to stick with the coronal ridge and the cap or dome or whatever for the rest. We may already have too many specialized terms. A guy needs to learn the verbage before he can even start.

I do not know what to call the shaft between the hanger and coronal ridge. I thought shoulders was pretty good, but maybe not.

>Since this confusion seems to plague hangers more than most, maybe a PG-rated anatomical illustration labeled as such could be posted in he hangers forum. Then, in cases like this you or anyone else could simply paste a ‘url’ to that thread and end the confusion.<

That sounds great. Whatever you do, just try to keep it as simple as possible.

“Shoulders” is too vague and confuses, you’re right.
The only other I come up with is “gills” in place of ‘shoulders’ but that has the potential to make matters worse. In short— it sucks.
I propose “bell-end” and “dome”.<

But bell-end and dome do not describe the shoulders as I mean it.


Fireman’s Helmet and helmet’s brim (or ridge)?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

>I do not know what to call the shaft between the hanger and coronal ridge. I thought shoulders was pretty good, but maybe not.<

Isn’t the technical term for the space between the shaft and the glans the “sulcus”?
Medical Glossary:
The groove in the penile shaft behind the glans penis.

>But bell-end and dome do not describe the shoulders as I mean it.<
So if:
Head = glans
Shoulders = (?) sulcus (?)
Body =shaft
You would like a word/term to replace “shoulders” because this word/term confuses too many people. Do I have that right?

>That sounds great. Whatever you do, just try to keep it as simple as possible.<
Okay. I’ll put an illustration together and get it to you before posting. Given that you’re the one called on to answer these things you should approve of it’s content and terminology.




>Isn’t the technical term for the space between the shaft and the glans the “sulcus”?
Medical Glossary:
The groove in the penile shaft behind the glans penis.<

Yes, but that is not what I am referring to by ‘shoulders’. The hanger needs to be well behind the sulcus. The shoulders would actually be part of the shaft.

>You would like a word/term to replace “shoulders” because this word/term confuses too many people. Do I have that right?<

Or simply give an illustration of what I mean by shoulders. With the hanger attached, the weight bunching the shaft toward the head, the area between the head and hanger.



Neck might be good, but guys should know that the hanger needs to be attached at least one inch behind the head to give enough shaft cushion, and not impact at all on the head. I thought shoulders would denote this better than neck.


Okay Bib-

I will be sending you and/or Thunder an illustration (or two) that indicates the location of the “shoulders” as you have described it.

Feel free to note any change you want or preference you have and I’ll change the image(s) accordingly- before it is posted.


captn hook:
Let me apologize. I don’t mean to hi-jack your thread with this terminology issue. If anyone thinks this matter is worth its own thread, then we can do it that way.
Bib addressing 5.5’s problem is the first priority here.
Sorry 5.”

No need to apologize. You’re actually helping me, and a lot of other guys too by bringing up the idea of a picture describing all areas of the penis.

“Not really. From an inch behind the head, as the weight is applied, the hanger moves down, but it has grasped, and bunches the internal structures in front of it, and never actually comes in contact with the coronal ridge. These bunched internal structures of the shaft are what I call the shoulders. “

Yes now i got it, I hope. I attached a pic (sorry for the shitty drawing) showing what I understood from your description. It is supposed to be a penis with a hanger befor and after attaching the weight, without showing the skin.

Please take look at it.



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