Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is there anything where you can lightly hang all day?



What the TheraP Velcro Wrist Strap will do is keep your dick in an engorged and therefore elongated state for hours on end. It’s very comfortable and a no hassle passive PE activity and adjunct to everything else we do.


I just wrap around the cotton cloth a few times and then tie it, sortof, and attach it to a therband. Takes just a few seconds to put on and definitely does not stop circulation.

peforeal, I kinda got that from reading the posts. The problem with me is that for some reason, I’ve never found anything that will hinder outflow of blood without hindering inflow. So I’ve never found anything that keeps me full using a light restriction method. So, for me, the padlocks do the trick, while at the same time they apply a light weight pull on the dick, which is what I figured the original poster was looking for.

Thanks for the info, though.

- MJ

Success is a journey, not a destination.


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